Videos from my Camera

steel, the coupler thats blowing off is at the tb, pipe side.

ahhh thats where I always ripped couplers on my camaro. Pain in the ass.

im thinkin a solid bead all the way around, the wire feed would probably be enough to build up a small lip

nothing more annoying that blowing off a charge pipe

do the bead around… it’ll be like a ghetto bead rolled pipe haha

Def lay a thick bead and smooth it out, works every time.

Bringing a friend out if we go this weekend or next weekend, pete fill up with E85 and make sure no extra people are in the car and smokin make sure youre bottles filled too!

Def will do that… JOey take those vids off man they arent the right ones and its making my shit look bad… all you had to do is tell me you didnt get the ones me pullin and i woulda told you not to waste your time… just take them off here and you tube if you would. Thanks kid

can prolly bet that this ^ is not going to happen

Dont feel bad, all the vids make me look bad too.!

yea, both of your street cred has gone WAYYYY down

For the record, Pete was dogging it in 4th to make it a little fun and even at the end. He started in 4th gear the rest of the night which is why I didn’t record it…because we were messing around

lol mclaren cant come to terms with pete’s car being obviously way faster

why would you want people to see that pete had to short shift and start out of his powerband for you to ‘pull’ him.

haha joey dont make me give u a wedgie

cuz im big boned and smoke a lot of shiity weed

Can you even get E85, I thought they switched to winter blend?

yea i believe it but it has me wonder… its a friends thing man pete dont want joey postin it thats all. all the runs are there up to #5 which is where it happened… and 6.

your pathetic attempts at humor are laughable at best, and equally as shitty as your car, if not more so.

I can tell you right you are sadly mistaken. If pete got bus lengths pulled there isn’t a friendship bond in the world that would prevent that shit from being posted.

You forget most people on this forum don’t have this fear of being beat. There’s always something faster out there. Most of us are just here to have fun.