videos of my car

Before the cam…

After the cam…

After I put my stock muffler back on with the cam…The SLP Loud mouth exhaust was WAAAY too loud. It sounded like a damn pro stock car. John can attest to this.

Next time put the cam INSIDE the muffler to make the noise even more louder and incoherent.

sounds awesome bro

i liked it better with the slp exhaust!


+1. Who cares if it sounds like a Nascar.

Don’t talk like that, Dale Earnhardt might come after you. Calm down

it was really to loud and i like a loud exh ,sounds better now though

Love your car, i have wanted a SS for a long time.

I think it sounds better now with the cam and stock muffler…Its a real deep tone

from the vid it sounds great ,the lm was to much

needs true duals on it!

DAMNN the 2nd vid sounded SOOOO crisp and loud. I dont really like the mufflers on it. But a video camera doesnt do it justice, at all.

I looked up a few other ms3 vidoes and none of them sounded as good as the second vid you had.

alot of the ones up on you tube with the MS3 cam arent tuned.

track #'s > Dyno numbers

We need to go from a 40.

I have an LS1 GTO on spray to race as well… LOL


whatever you want to do. We cant do a 40 on a cold night tho. 40 is still first gear for me at 5k.

then do 2nd and drive the balls off it

I shift at 7k now. 2nd will put me too low in my power band.