Virginia Tech 101


yea word its all those assholes driving around in their grey evo’s thinking they rule the world…lol


hahaha, i take it youve seen me hauling ass near ur dorm?


Personally, I think he shows he is an insensitive asshole for having that sig.


:word: but i dont think he should be forced to remove it


I don’t think you make him change his sig. You tell him you don’t like it, don’t approve of it or whatever you want, and ever if it’s in bad taste ( because it’s too soon? ) who cares. I’m not going to get my vagina all dry and sandy just because someone posted a picture. :shrug: it doesn’t mean i’m insensitive, but as soon as there is extreme regulation and policing of everything, the forum will turn into UBRF. And we all know what that means.

1 i think the sig is funny

2 he obviously did this because he played video games


he obviously did this because he played video games


Go screw! Video games don’t make people killers. Shitty parents shouldn’t get a free pass and have the blame placed on music, movies, and video games.

I think the Sig is fuckin discusting and tasteless. If your brother or sister was blown away by this mother fucker, would you want internet punks getting a giggle off of it. Why is it that people always hide behind freedom of speach, when they are tools. This isn’t a federal building, or public property, its a privately owned web forum, freedom of speach doesn’t apply. Get a fuckin life.

if u dont like seeing that pic, add him to the ignore list…

still waiting to hear what you have to say mr. violator…

and fyi i do agree with grant, but i dont care that much…


I think the Sig is fuckin discusting and tasteless. If your brother or sister was blown away by this mother fucker, would you want internet punks getting a giggle off of it. Why is it that people always hide behind freedom of speach, when they are tools. This isn’t a federal building, or public property, its a privately owned web forum, freedom of speach doesn’t apply. Get a fuckin life.


lol, what a crazy ass.

the united states is full of fanatics, no wonder we are laughed at overseas :frowning:

Hell, if my sig privileges got banned from quoting a funny comment I make to my woman, then his should too :ham:


Hell, if my sig privileges got banned from quoting a funny comment I make to my woman, then his should too :ham:


or you should just get your privies back


fucking virginia tech 101… what a ridiculous name for a thread.


the all knowing and wise VIOLATOR is going to bestow upon us the gift of enlightenment! PRAISE JESUS!!!

what a joke… do you really think that highly of yourself? :bloated:


i hope someone from virginia tech comes on and reads violators brain vomit. im sure they would love the title of this thread as well.


Dumb Pieces of shit like yourself cant have a discussion about something in a constructive manner. You need to act like a pussy douchebag because you feel threatened. People like you are pathetic.

I hope someone like Cho finds you and shoots you in the face.

Im finished with this thread because, once again, some nyspeeders are too fucking stupid and immature to have a intelligent discussion.


Im finished with this thread because, once again, some nyspeeders are too fucking stupid and immature to have a intelligent discussion.


^ i agree with this.


Dumb Pieces of shit like yourself cant have a discussion about something in a constructive manner. You need to act like a pussy douchebag because you feel threatened. People like you are pathetic.

I hope someone like Cho finds you and shoots you in the face.

Im finished with this thread because, once again, some nyspeeders are too fucking stupid and immature to have a intelligent discussion.


Intelligent and mature are probably the last two things I think of when I see a post by you. I see short temper, and a burning desire to prove himself to everyone.

Where is the maturity in wishing death to someone. You sir are ridiculous.


Dumb Pieces of shit like yourself cant have a discussion about something in a constructive manner. You need to act like a pussy douchebag because you feel threatened. People like you are pathetic.

I hope someone like Cho finds you and shoots you in the face.

Im finished with this thread because, once again, some nyspeeders are too fucking stupid and immature to have a intelligent discussion.


You could have avoided this by simply stating your opinion of what happened.



I hope someone like Cho finds you and shoots you in the face.


BYE BYE! 1 day ban for you…


some nyspeeders are too fucking stupid and immature to have a intelligent discussion.


says the d-bag making threats

lol at violator getting banned for his comments :lol:

see, what is interesting to me is this:

  1. violator created this thread out of his own arrogance, in an attempt to show people how smart he was.
  2. by doing so, he showed how he actually sympathizes with cho, which is quite sick, at least in my mind.
  3. when confronted with opposing viewpoints, and someone (me) blatantly called him out on his arrogance, he flips out and cusses. some response.

see, by provoking this response from violatcho, we can infer that he is merely trying to justify his own short temper and lack of coping mechanisms. :tup:


I prefer:



hahaha, i take it youve seen me hauling ass near ur dorm?


u live right down the road from me the direct tv van on sy is me