Virginia Tech 101

didnt watch godzilla as a child. and extreme jealousy issues?

NYSpeed does it…AGAIN!

I understand what Violator was trying to say/get others to see but he just has a sucky way of expressing it on a forum.

Unfortunately, NYSpeed as a whole can’t get over itself long enough to give objective actual thought to anything, or even read something and pick out the “wheat from the chaff” so to speak. And that mirrors most of society today, which is why shit will be always fucked up, and nothing will ever get fixed. :tup:


Dumb Pieces of shit like yourself cant have a discussion about something in a constructive manner. You need to act like a pussy douchebag because you feel threatened. People like you are pathetic.

I hope someone like Cho finds you and shoots you in the face.

Im finished with this thread because, once again, some nyspeeders are too fucking stupid and immature to have a intelligent discussion.


It looks like EVERYONE on this board just lost at the VIOLATOR or Cho-alator Game.

I can’t stand it when people feel like they are superior than others, and play these stupid little games. You should have just fuckin gave us your opinion so that mabey we could have made a discussion… or continued to play the Violator game… Seriously. As I was reading this entire thread, it felt like a god damn game show. Disgusting…:2fingers:


I can’t stand it when people feel like they are superior than others, and play these stupid little games. You should have just fuckin gave us your opinion so that mabey we could have made a discussion… …:2fingers:


That might have worked. Or not. I think we’d get the same results threadwise for the most part :shrug:


OMG my life sucks but its not my fault its everyone else’s. He just has the typical mentality like many other people do where everything that goes wrong is someone else’s fault other then his own.

He stalked two girls last year, got sent to a nut house for a short time because he was suicidal, all his fucked up writings. The guy was unstable. He was a weird person and no one probably wanted to have anything to do with him. He then turns it around into the problem is everyone else not him. Then he did what he did to get revenge.


I’m with Jeeves on this one :gotme:

well shit man, what he did provoked threads like this

guess that’s what he wanted

i would like to thank the academy for having us all play the mass media boardgame today

fox’s post #30 FTW

EDIT: one day? damn i’m sick of violator’s shitty attitude toward everyone in every other post. he’s really smart and articulate a good portion of the time, and then BAM you’re an asshole idiot that never should have been born

So apparently he bought the pistol clips on ebay…

ebay profile:

Its not hard to buy mags on ebay, Not every piece of evidence is OMG news.