Visited NYIRP again, soclose to 11's *Video Included*

Went to NYIRP tonight with TurboTSi and orzech…traction sucked because it was 8pm, cold, bad traction compond, dewey. So with that said my best 60’ was a 1.835 where as the last time I was at the track my car was consistantly pulling 1.78’s. Bitching and moaning aside my best time slip was…


I am very happy with my traps now for the mods I have, my mph was never below 114 all night even with the traction issues.

Here is a video of my 12.8 @ 114.5…

Good work :tup:

:tup: Represent :tup:

Thanks Rick…you’re gonna have to get that dsm out of storage sometime so you can help to better support our wnydsm community.

oh boy, now it’s in storage :roll: :stuck_out_tongue:

My DSM is like a ninja. It strikes hard, and fades away… into the night… :snky:

or I end up breaking something. :uhh: One of the two.


Also I love your newest member title…

come on the 29th and get those 11’s in the chilly weather!

Thanks I didn’t see that thread…I will be there.