Vista 64bit Upgrade CD

does anyone have one that i can borrow?

i got a full version of 64bit ultimate if you want, never registered. Not sp1 though.

no i just need upgrade cause im going to install xp also

I could use that copy of vista 64… hook a brother up?

If by hook a brother up, you mean youll give me some sort of $ for it, then sure. Ill hook a brother up. Pm me an offer.

i have a copy of vista 64bit home premium but i dont have a key which is y im installing xp and just going to upgrade to vista.

that and the ability to go back to xp when programs dont work with vista

vista sp1 just came out man. Screw xp now. Its time to switch…

well then find me a working key then

lol u have a pm

ok so i found a working key but now that i dont have the drivers installed for my 3d card i cant finish with the installation because i cant hit the buttons to partition the drive and such.

how can i fix that?

still not working? I “think” there is a way to install it in DOS mode (similar to linux) but not 100% sure.

it’s not using a generic VGA driver? Do you have on board video that you can use for the install? maybe an older card?

no i got everything working i kinda just kept hitting enter and hoping that it would take me to the next window lol.

im running ultimate without having to worry about the 30 day trial its “activated”

did you go SP1 yet?

I saw the update lastnight but hesitated to install it. Found a crack online so installed a copy of vista under VM and going to try it to make sure it actually works first.

heard it caused a lot of problems for people though (sp1)

What about Vista hasn’t caused a problem? has keys. sometimes they work. most of the time they don’t. just keep trying if that is your thing.

Vista runs great for me honestly… I don’t get why so many people dog it. It has increased functionality, a nicer GUI, better security and DX10

whats not to like? People had the same complaints with XP when it first came out too

I’ve been running SP1 since mid Feb with no issues at all. I really don’t understand why people hate it so much. Couple it with Server 2008 and it’s good times all around.

I have been updating vista and have just about all updates if not all but I didn’t see a update that actually said sp1 so I don’t know if I installed it or not

hmm should i or shouldnt i upgrade to SP1…

is there anything in it do detect non-legit version?

Ill tell ya soon