Vista Released...

lol in my line of work, we can fit approx 4 weeks of work into an 8 hour day (if not more) :stuck_out_tongue:

I dont know… I really like vista so far from what I’ve seen, even though it’s still in beta. It has a lot of really nice features IMO that have been long overdue. As soon as DX10 and DX10 hardware/software hits the market, I do plan on building a vista gaming rig :slight_smile:

at the end of the day the disastrous clutter of microsoft os’s both current and “historical” (my friend who does IT still has to deal with win95 legacy machines) only serves to bolster the “cottage industry” of tech support / help desk / IT outsourcing, and is one of those vicious cycle things.
and I’m sure that would be true with OSX/Linux aswell if they were as widely used as Windows (especially since it seems thats a majority of windows users aresnt exactly computer literate lol)

I tried the beta. And all my games ran like shit on it. I’ll try vista again someday when they release a service pack for it. And they will release a service pack… just wait. Anyone know if vista will support more than 3 gigs unlike xp does?

yeah, I had a few working ok, but the majority did have issues (either graphical or speed related)… I’d hope that they’d get that tweaked/fixed by the time it’s released, but with good old M$, ya never know lol