Vista Service Pack 1/XP Service Pack 3

No, I stay away from writing software. I go to school for IT, but I’ll probably be doing networking engineering/security when it’s all said and done. Writing software frustrates me. And yes, as far as I know there isn’t much end user software that needs to see the process identifier.

i dont feel the need to upgrade to vista yet… still waiting to see how sp3 is. I’ve been fine with sp2 since its been out. was a little quirky a few years back with hardware but its been fine. Still Expedients choice for all of its internal desktop/laptops.

If I wasnt such a puss I would convert my big laptop to Debian like my beater p3 but ive got too much wound up in and i am too lazy to get my games working in Wine.

Ditto, thought I can’t complain at all about Vista so far. There’s just a bad cloud around it. It’s definitely an improvement over XP, it’s just different.

scripting > development

get fimiliar with dos vbscript and powershell… it’ll help :slight_smile:

fshowcars - ever work with Citrix XenServer?

vmware>*.virtual right now

and yes, I do run IE7. It runs just as good as firefox does (even with the hacks) and i have no issues with virus or spyware. IE>*.browser

Word. And thanks for the advice…as I’m just now getting my feet wet in this field, any good advice is appreciated.

i did a proof-of-concept with it… i have a long and short answer. there were issues with some old HBA’s … had to hack some drivers and we were having issues with some san settings? (switching through an IBM svc… which is essentially a virtual san switch… but something with wwid contention between disk owners or something on how it was presented to the hardware).

but yeah… no real enterprise experience with it…