VItamin E will give you Cancer

Nothing is sacred?

The US study of 77,000 people found taking 400 milligrams per day long-term increased cancer risk by 28% - with smokers at particular risk.

for fucks sake. what if i do EVERYTHING bad… will I get cancer tomorrow?

who needs Kevorkian?

Thats what I’m saying… :gotme:

I’ve got a 72 yr old uncle who has smoked lucky strikes since before AWDrifter was alive, drinks more then a couple times a week, and weighs in ~180 #s… still alive & kickin.

The problem isn’t vitamin e, it’s people that think ‘if some is good, more must be better.’ Yeah, now you have lung cancer retard.

People are so fucking stupid in this country its disgusting

I’ll second that.

Eat a powerbar I promise it’s good for you ohh and drink lots of redbull.

interesting, I’ve been taking vitamin e for years
