Vlad! Vbullitin hmm

Hmm Funkey form eh?

Alright So generaly I dont let the “Show all posts” option on unless im looking for something…

So I turned it on and it appears that the 518 Projects section is the only one that is sorting by Thread title… When i try to switch it to Last Post it always seems to switch back to thread title…

All the other forums sort by last date unless otherwise specified… Vlad is this a setting on your side that needs to be fixed, I’ve been dicking around with it for 15 mins and cant seem to figure out why its not sticking…

I noticed that section was all fucked up too but I thought it was something I did.

Just noticed this after I got a pm from Archie to fix it.

I guess two people noticed it on the same day.

I’m curious if it’s always been like that or did that happen recently?


Fixed now :thumb

I just noticed it yesterday. Before that it seemed ok.

A few forums were like that, but singh fixed them before he left