Vote to permanantly ban Ahemd (rogerthat240)

+1 back at you polak240. good idea in the self quote. i hope he gets it this time around.

rogerthat240, honestly…you don’t give people ‘advice’, you pretty much telling them what’s RIGHT and what’s WRONG. sure it’s from your opinion, but who the hell are you to say what’s right and wrong? if people are asking for advice, they’re asking for something called opinions…go look up that definition for fucks sake.

and the whole drifting and slamming cars thing you always rant about is getting so old. slamming a car…did you ever even sit down and think about what slamming a car is actually doing? sure it puts your geometry out of whack and whatnot, but that’s because you’re only offsetting one aspect and not compensating with the others. ever hear of RCAs? ever think about spacing out tierods? these help compensate the slamming because you’re essentially just shifting some relative point in your suspension. sure you’ll still lose a bit in the end, but give me a break, we’re all not trying to break world records here or something…