You don’t have to
Why are you still feeding this fire? Take your opinions and force them elsewhere. Its amazing that this hasn’t been locked.
I think that’s bad ass man. lol if you get membership on son240, put that as your avatar
lol I seriously hope wikipedia isn’t the source of all your information.
You’re a joke bud. Obviously you’re getting backed into a corner and your recent replies show how mature you really are.
Like someone else said somewhere in this thread… how old are you? you’re married? have a house?
Wow. Good luck.
+1 back at you polak240. good idea in the self quote. i hope he gets it this time around.
rogerthat240, honestly…you don’t give people ‘advice’, you pretty much telling them what’s RIGHT and what’s WRONG. sure it’s from your opinion, but who the hell are you to say what’s right and wrong? if people are asking for advice, they’re asking for something called opinions…go look up that definition for fucks sake.
and the whole drifting and slamming cars thing you always rant about is getting so old. slamming a car…did you ever even sit down and think about what slamming a car is actually doing? sure it puts your geometry out of whack and whatnot, but that’s because you’re only offsetting one aspect and not compensating with the others. ever hear of RCAs? ever think about spacing out tierods? these help compensate the slamming because you’re essentially just shifting some relative point in your suspension. sure you’ll still lose a bit in the end, but give me a break, we’re all not trying to break world records here or something…
You’re not JDM enough.
Ooooh good one However that’s all theory
PS - I hope several pages back most would notice I’m just messing with you and argumentation is long over. Keep bottling that anger up Polak Poor polak, all red faced and in need of some pivo.
You can read anger over the internet? lol
All your recent posts hopefully just proved to everyone your immaturity. That’s all i was trying to get at.
edit: it’s piwo.
I’m not taking sides here or anything, i skimmed the second half of this thread.
I agree that there is too much trash talking about high and mighty bullshit from you Ahmed. you and I are cool and I’m not changing that but from a buddy to a buddy … just take it easy. You have your opinions and you just push them too hard on other people.
To Mark Takahashi - no need to cal him out on his car - I’ve seen tons of pics of it and its one of the most respect worthy chassis in the club in my opinion. If he gets a respectable motor in there and starts bringing it out to the track, it will be serious business.
that is all. I love you all (especially you takahashi, you fucking sexy little beast)
Yeah I agree with Polak…
Ahmed, do you really think you started the idea of NOT drifting a 240 and rather building one for grip? lol, come on man… seriously.
Seems to me like you’re one of those people that wanna be different for the sake for being different but yet you still copy everyone else around the world. You then come here and think you’re all big and bad and as if no one has ever heard of all these new parts you bought for your car. lol
Not everyone on SON is into drifting. A lot are, but not all. Stop generalizing.
And about the track days, I didn’t really start a “grip trend” or whatever. Derek and others were doing grip days long before I started doing them.
I only started it because I liked tracking my car and Derek had gone away and there were no other days to go to.
Ahmed, stop posting useless pics with your posts. They aren’t funny and don’t make any sense and just add to the wasted bandwidth that is already this thread.
As for my car being built for driving straight, :ugh: I’ll tell you myself that I built it to handle by throwing all the suspension parts I could afford at the time. I did little to no research on the actual science or technicalities behind each product I installed. But whatever I installed, the feedback was greater than what I had before the product. Satisfied with each mod? Yessum.
I have had nothing but fun driving my car on and off the track (pun indirectly intended). Maybe one day you’ll experience this when you put your car on an actual road course to see what the fruits of your labour have accomplished. Unless the ministry can qualify your ‘private’ street as a track :hsugh:
Once again stop posting useless pics with your posts :squint:
^if Gonad were to reduce the character length of post to say, under 200, rogerthat/ahmed would be unable to post due to his long winded posts.
bam solution
could you try to be less preachy and more concise, thanks
I love this.
K there is so much whining and bickering in this thread I’m to lazy to read most of it. Rogerthat240’s posts hurt my brain.
To clarify things for us who don’t spend every waking moment on here. Ahmed and Rogerthat240 are one and the same?
lol this thread is still going on, hilarious
Yes. But there’s an ahmedG on the board too but its someone else just in case you guys think it’s rogerthat240.
A_Ahmed = Rogerthat240
aaaww mark so concerned and deeply engaged in solving the world’s problems
Were you shaking in excitement while posting?
I really just think he doesn’t get it.
Some people get it. Others don’t.
This rogerdoger character… doesn’t.
Leading hand sanitizers claim they can kill 99.9 percent of germs. Chuck Norris can kill 100 percent of whatever he wants.
Chuck Norris’ tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
Chuck Norris was originally cast as the main character in 24, but was replaced by the producers when he managed to kill every terrorist and save the day in 12 minutes and 37 seconds.
Chuck Norris can speak braille.
Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoly card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game Uno.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
Once a cobra bit Chuck Norris’ leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died.
Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting implies the possibility of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.
Chuck Norris doesn’t read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
Ghosts are actually caused by Chuck Norris killing people faster than Death can process them.
Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone.
Chuck Norris can create a rock so heavy that even he can’t lift it. And then he lifts it anyways, just to show you who Chuck Norris is.
If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can’t see Chuck Norris you may be only seconds away from death.