Vote to permanantly ban Ahemd (rogerthat240)


im pretty sure your retarded
and this is not a joke or cheap stab

i really do feel that you are

Lock this shit already… Wow.

lmao, I think a few pages back some should have realized by now, that I’m just having fun with some people who have anger problems :smiley:

It was fun,


Agreed, and in the further…Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with his experience.

lol this was an exercise in son240 maturity :smiley: Thank you for all who participated :slight_smile:

Son240 for the win :wink:

Exercise? More like an attempt to get yourself banned as well as spam and BS all over the forum.

Mister Excessive in Rage (if that’s what your name stands for), realize this is son240 :wink:

Check how many threads like this there are :slight_smile: Why get bothered what people say or think? Or if they take advices or give advices? Just jump in and have fun like everyone else. No need to get angry over it just woooosaaaaaa wooooossasaaa (just like in anger managment the movie).

Instead of making angry faces

I’m just getting good laughs while at work, chillin, passing the time :slight_smile: Take it for what it’s worth :slight_smile:

For anyone else who wants some laughs check anger managment on youtube :smiley:

Wow, you really don’t get it do you?
Have you not noticed the poll results Ahmed?

Not to mention almost everyone who voted, not to ban you, only did it because they’re amused by your stupidity. Personally, I don’t think that’s anything to be proud of. Especially since your showing how immature you really are, no matter how much you claim that, “your just passing time at work”.

You know, its something when someone realizes they’re wrong, but when everyone knows how wrong you are here, in this forum, you act like a child. Bickering, and making jokes about useless information and huge waists of time, are no way to, “win”, the hearts of “son240”. We don’t care about you Ahmed, your only mentioned within us, because of your stupidity and bothersome immaturity.

Your horse is still here, get off it.

And, stop editing your posts.

I think you missed the point. I am trying to show to you how much I really care about you in retrospect :wink: I think you are slow. The poll can be as colorful as you want. The mods for fun can edit the poll to 99999 if they want :slight_smile:

Skip to second part it’s more funny:


In fact I’m editing the post just for fun right now to annoy you more :slight_smile: The hoards of e-warriors to the rescue :smiley:

Edit 2: That movie is frickin hilarious lol.

No, I think you’ve missed the point.

Compare it to your jokes, they suck.

lol im sorry you have so much love for me :slight_smile: Come here, come closer, I’ll give you a non-gay hug, you really need one. I think it has to do with other issues in life, do you need counseling to vent that anger out :slight_smile: Ahmed’s counselling services are free on son240, but wait, if you answer right now, we’ll include a picture in every post. Respond now :wink:

The irony illudes me.

And this isn’t locked… Why?

I voted no because no matter how irritable someone may be on a forum…it’s still a forum. You can’t ‘ban’ someone from talking gibberish in public, why should we limit it on a forum? Understandably…this forum is privately owned, so it should be up to them to decide no?

It’s weird, I just can’t gang up on someone just to ban them. Kind of seems wrong really…he hasn’t scammed, or done anything in regards to racial slurs or physical threats of harm.

Just my view haha.

haha i want the last few minutes of my life back… i dont really know many ppl personally form the fourm just guys ive bought things from, so i dont have bias towards anyone but i really dont understand the point of all the picture posts and egging ppl on then say

[QUOTE=rogerthat240;365415]lol this was an exercise in son240 maturity :smiley: Thank you for all who participated :slight_smile:

personally i use this fourm to buy parts and see what other ppl are upto and learn a thing or two along the way, this thread is a massive waste, but i now know why it was started.

To be honest, I do feel sorry for Ahmed… and especially his wife. May God have mercy on her soul…


lol… because of you.

Don’t lock. I’m not done having fun. Stop visiting the thread if you don’t like it.

you all know that the more you harp on this guy, the more he uses it against you!! cause thats all he is doing

^Obviously lol :slight_smile: I said don’t poke to be poked back that was a hint :wink: I had alot of good laughs. The raging hormones and what have you kicked it up a notch. It’s amazing inadvertly how some people have personal anger problems. I guess this is how everyone reflects it all in a forum. Obviously I’m just taking advantage of that to get a few laughs as they are hating when there is no need to be hating.

I had really good laughs though :slight_smile: Posting pix on son240 is a tradition don’t mind that one :wink: All in good fun.

I mean look at mark with his clever devilish notations after every post, its hilarious. I take it the same way. He loves to instigate fights and kick back for laughs :stuck_out_tongue: Or look at Polak, this guy has nothing to do with me but maaan, he has some issues, he didn’t even get my joke at his expense about piwo. Most of you are rage filled and too slow to get it.

I chose a path of least resistance :wink: Why fight people on things, when I’ll just let you ram right through with stupendous misdirected anger and get a good kick out of it too :wink:


Serious Business!

Edit 2: Just to stir things up one more edit :wink:

Anyways I’m off, got things to do :slight_smile: