Vote to permanantly ban Ahemd (rogerthat240)

I don’t understand how the mod’s of are allowing this blatent immaturity and essentially a mockery of the site to persist. It just looks bad.

Lock this shit up.

Tacoboy, it needs more than a lock, it needs the ban-stick…

Ahmed’s only here to make himself popular. Like everyone on this forum knows, Mark is known for his F&F “oh snap” GIF, the Jean Luc Picard facepalm pics, as well as his “OLD” comments.

Ahmed’s just trying to gain that same rep, just in an annoying and “hey! I’m here! pay attention to me!” kind of way…

lol… We all get it. But we’re not laughing with you, we’re laughing at you ahaha.

And the difference with mark is that it’s actually funny when he instigates fights. He’s not the only one laughing.

I just do it for my post count and mostly to past time while I was at my co-op job. I never had much to do. I will admit that I’m an idiot on this forum in terms of posting all those picard .gifs… but from one idiot to another, Ahmed definitely crosses the line and it really isn’t “funny” as he says it is. It’s just sad.

Ahmed tried to be serious but got owned so he tries to act like a kid now. Probably scared of someone coming over to his house.

lol i love this thread


ahmed …

i use to think your car was a joke… but the last time a saw it was in 06 at a west end meet

you have done alot of work on it. and im impressed

looks like its built real nice. any one that loves cars shood respect the work that goes into a car.

me personally would love to see a build thread. mabey you would get more respect from some members …

from what i see so far i love it and want to see more

lol@polak and fobwall,

Pantaloons, I dunno. Maybe just maybe :slight_smile: But what I said long time ago on son even is, whatever I’ve said I’ve researched, planned and would do, I don’t pull stuff out of my butt hehe. I guess I should. I will most likely stick a taurus brakes sticker on the car :wink:

I have only one place where my project thread really is and that’s NRR. However, I’ve been asked to post on three other forums (driftwerks, timeattackforums and freshalloy). I only really updated on the NRR and timeattackforums.

Edit: Epic edit.

I still find it funny that 99% of his posts are edited.

Like What the hell is going on?

One main issues with SON is Bans. They Ban a user. User registers with a new nickname and admins allow it. Its been done over and over by multiple people so really is nothing new.

In the end, SON has never had any real “solution” to Banning people or any system to avoid scammers so everyone should be use too it by now and just realize things wont change.

we can ban IPs and do as a last resort
we can also ban email addresses

but as long as people can keep changing IPs (it isnt hard) there isnt anything we can do

how hard is it to grab an IP and a new email

its just a cat and mouse game

No doubt ahmeds car is Very well built, With Sasha’s 240 gone its probably one of the better “time attack/grip” setup S chassis on son. I dont think anyone has a problem with his car or hows he modded it. Its his know-it-all, as-a-matter-of-fact attitude that he portrays despite his lack of real track time compared to other members that really pisses people off.

Your like a university student, you have all the book smarts in the world and all kinds of theories on paper to back up your claims. But until you get some actual hands on experience (track time) and actually see for yourself how all these theories fair out and PROVE that all your advise is not complete B.S. you wont get respect from the majority of people.

You have to know your shit and be able to back it up with actual experience to talk the big game your talking now.

Hit the track hard next season and do well and you WILL gain the respect of alot more people. Because after all…

“To some people, that’s more important”

Nicely put for the most part trevor.

Ahmed, it may be in your best interest to just do your own thing for a while and prove these assholes wrong next season. You’re confident in your selection of parts and your car and setup - that’s awesome. But like trevor said, you really have no idea at this point and like with any build, seemingly perfect or not – you’re going to have issues, things will be wrong and you’re going to need time to tune the car and yourself.

You’re well on your way to catching up to the pack who have been tracking for the past year or more… come with us next season and have some fun - you’ll need some practice before you can catch up regardless of what you’re driving :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Trevor ftw. Couldn’t have said it any better.

Im forced to speak. Yet again.

I changed my opinion. You are obsolete.
I happen to be another that is soely interested in grip. I love going sideways, but am in no way a fan.
Personally, I respected the fact that even though people talked shit, and started shit, you had the proof to back it up. You actually owned the car, you had most of the shit you claimed to be done to it(im assuming from photo’s and build threads) also you knew the things that you were talking about.

The thing that made you loose my respect, was the fact that you tried to pool everyone in and generalize them in some sort of way. I for one do not follow anyone and do things for my own reasons, beliefs, passion. I loved the gran turismo series as a kid. Did they have drifting in it? Nope. Only going around a course, over and over. Like I said in my 2nd post. DO NOT ASSUME THINGS. Another thing that really grinds my gears would be the fact that you aren’t mature at all and try to make everything happening now seem as a joke. And the fact that you IGNORE what people say, is like putting the icing on the cake.

If anyone has noticed, he never responds to anyone that calls him out on his wrongs. He only continues his never ending era of shit talking when another member says something offensive, and he attacks like a wild monkey with a banana up his ass, then types away like a coke fiend digging for crack in a box of laundry soap. THEN to top it all off, he re-edits almost everything, because he relizes what it is that he said. sigh.

But on the flip side, you’ve encouraged me to start my own build thread, try things out for myself, learn shit, experience it. Do what you tried to, yet failed utterly. For sure you’ll be seeing a shitty beige hatch next year on the track.

Lastly, I respect everyone on here, drifters, time attackers, auto crossers, drag racers, and even the rally-ists. I take everything that they contribute, here and around the net, and absorb it like a sponge. But no matter how I feel, I will never put someone down, just because I dont feel the same as them.

I think you were neglected and overpowered as a child, and find that you have to prove yourself here in order to fulfill some sort of mental dislexia in which you obviously have to go through every day.

Don’t be suprised if you end up getting phone calls from Duke Nukem telling you to eat shit and die.
And yes, with the way technology is rapidly increasing now-a-days, it isint hard for someone to find your phone number with just your email address and IP.

P.S. - Your jokes/pics/attitude aren’t funny. What is funny is how hard you try to be funny, and yet again, fail miserably at everything. As the wise Fobwall claimed earlier: I feel sorry for your wife, “May God have mercy on her soul…”

As for the safety of the planet we call Earth, and all those whom inhabbit it. Do not make it as so I am forced to come back to this thread. Or else there WILL be UNFORSEEN CONSEQUENCES!

I’ve got balls of steel.

OMG, are you fucking serious? I explicitly said not to post any more pictures and there you go again (and again and again and again…).

Do you not listen? :ugh: