Vote to permanantly ban Ahemd (rogerthat240)

No fucker! 'Tis my thread title!

P.S, Your starter is still the cause of all your problems…even sliding into a curb XD

i dont think your frame has much of a function or form… :stuck_out_tongue:

damn i always seem to miss the boat and post too late.

ahmed, i might as well say all this to you now. your goals and ambitions are all great. some of your advice once in awhile is pretty decent too. however, most of the time, your posts have so much filler it really works against you.

you know son’s average age is a bit lower than some other forums…if you’re mature as you say so, why can’t you take things from another perspective and try to understand the son’s diversity. YES, i’m calling you out and telling you that it should be YOU that adapts to this forum, not EVERYONE ELSE adapting to you.

stop being so selfish attempting to transform everyone’s mindset into yours. the S-chassis is notoriously known for drifting, not grip. everyone knows this. you sir, are the MINORITY.

next time you go to a viet pho place and don’t like their pho, why don’t you speak up and try to tell them that they should actually be making it ‘this’ way, because that’s how they do it in the states or wherever…i don’t think that’s going to happen because that’s just stupid.

^^this, is essentially how you’re treating son240. most people here just want to have a good time for the least amount of money. you need to get this through your head and go with the flow. sure you’re older and might have money, but i don’t see any other son OG’s starting shit like you do. please show some respect and for fuck sakes stop giggling like a little school girl in all of your ridiculously edited posts.

Nice tires :slight_smile:

Osaddddd, I’ve got that $15 y0!
Pm me your number again, I lost it, I’m probably gonna be out in the east end tonight, i’ll give you a call.

I think this just sums it all up. Couldn’t have put it better myself. +1.

It seems as if I am forced to post yet a 3rd time.

ZOMG! It took long, but it seems that it worked. Hopefully you learned the lesson, and the valuable meaning of christmas. A time when we all come together as a community, and bash positive thoughts into a selceted individual until he/she becomes aware of the shit they were sinking in, and that cold heart turns to shiny as gold.

Btw, your car is hella clean. Looking forward to seeing a build up (not going to critizes, or anything of the like. Im seriously interested in seeing it. Just like how you check out SG Motorsports Z, and Acidz 2JZ S14) So post that shit up and again, merry xmas (even if you dont celebrate).


P.S. tons of spelling errors, to lazy to edit. Trying to make a new years resolution. Im EDIT free! muhaha.

That is all.

Well I’d make a project thread if people don’t act like jerks about it and keep saying I have no idea what I’m talking about or what I’m doing or whatever.

That’s what your doing to everyone else…

Like you said yourself, don’t poke and you won’t be poked back…

I’m heart broken mr martino. I thought I was misinformed. I thought you told me to ‘suck myself off’, I guess you like to poke first then whine about me ‘poking’. I guess I wont poke you either if you don’t poke me

Misinformed would be an understatement…

Yup, I’m sure.

Ahmed, you need to stop trying. Please. This isn’t high school anymore. Just act more mature, you’re like 29 years old. It really isn’t okay for you to act the way you do.

I hope you eventually get your wish and get the internet car forum respect you want so badly.

I guess being married does that to you?

LOL look who’s talking you (up to recently) used to spend your life on son240 making fun of people on son240. You said son240 is full of idiots to me and that you don’t care, and finally last but not least you almost got beat up in real life by some foolish kiddies where your e-thuggery failed. You’re talking about maturity. This is a new chapter in son240 history. I’m down with that. Lets go positively from here on in.

Stop going back and editing your god damn posts.
Every time I look back up at your posts there’s some new stupid remark that was NOT there before.

The pictures should help

Yea, they prove your a “Moran”.

I checked but I couldn’t find anything :slight_smile:

So now you’re trying to push all the bad things you said about SON on me eh? haha, someone’s getting scared. Don’t worry, no one is going to come to your house to beat you up.

And I would assume E-thuggery would be telling people that I’m tougher than them and that I’m going to beat them up on the internet. Making fun of people isn’t E-thuggery. It’s called having fun.

Looks like you failed.

Thanks for coming out though.