Vote to permanantly ban Ahemd (rogerthat240)

You’ve proved my point.
Thank you.

Say hello to baba, joe and jimmy that visited your home :cool: LOL. Anyways THAT was funny, although a bit retarded.

Honestly, this is huge cause it’s exactly what you do all the time.

Anyways… this thread is pretty much done now, with all these nonsense pictures being posted.

Hopefully we’ll see a build thread without anyone getting butt hurt. If not, whatever I could care less and I don’t think it really matters but that’s just me.

This is getting out of hand. Can i change my vote?

a_ahmed vs rogerthat240…

If you search on a_ahmed’s username, you’ll find that he was given advise on how to setup his car for track use by people that actually race their cars (Sasha and Adam) but completely ignored it…

double post.

haha ultimate fail.

I dont really think ahmed does any research, by the looks of it he asks for advice and is given some by sasha and adam, then he goes around telling the world what he build plans are based on the advice he was given. Then gets laughed at by people on other forums he visits. After thinking he just looked like an idiot, he revised his strategy and asked for more advice from other boards (probably under a different alias), and ends up using koni’s. Now because he got laughed at, he thinks he knows better than most people and believes they are naive as he once was, when he clearly doesnt know any better and can’t think for himself.

Why do you care so much about what people think of what you want to do with your car? STFU and fucking build it and stop trying to impress us, your car is a pos like 99% of son’s including mine. You’re nothing special.

PS. stop posting pictures and using emoticons every 5 seconds, you make yourself look like you’re 12 years old.

roast, The SON240SX “Forum Scene Investigator.”

lol i saw the light a year ago gradually. I used to believe stance coilovers were AMAZING when I used to live on here two years ago. Now I know there’s a shit ton of other ‘drift-brands’ out there. Unlike the most of you I’ve looked around. Now I laugh back at some of those old posts :smiley: It’s great to read back and go wtf? lol.

I didn’t even know what a shock dyno graph is. Or what rebound or bump/compression is. Or what a coilover really is as most on here have no f’en clue (other than pretty cnc’d ‘package’ you mount). I didn’t understand how dampers actually work. How to dissaemble or rebuild or tune coilovers. I didn’t know what spring rates whether in lbs/inch or kg/mm are. I didn’t know jack shit and thought ‘stances’ are great, because thats what everyone pronounces outwards as ‘cool’.

Roger that :wink:

Edit: I got KYB Agx’s based on son240 advice, instead of megan racing coilovers which was all the hype after D2s were no longer good enough 3+ years ago. I consider that a mistake too if I knew what I know now. Heck I used to want to get D2s, just because everyone on here had them and megans too… but I didn’t even understand what a damper does or is suppose to… hence my different outlook now :slight_smile:

In fact ironically ahmedg or whatever his name reminds me of me, misguided full of ambition but lack of funds and lack of knowledge. Perfect example of wanting to do alot but not knowing what exactly and how. Now on the other hand I know what I want and how to achieve it and have the funds (sort of lol – gradually) :slight_smile:

Likewise I used to think 300zx brakes are great, but they’re not all that, hence what I got now and I’m more than happy with it :slight_smile: And yes, 300zx brakes are not that greater than Q45 brakes… except Q45 brakes are iron and sliding calipers, whereas the 300zx ones are not and have slightly better feel… and in fact q45 calipers have more front bias as they generate more torque (believe it or not)… but naturally less cooling efficieny with the smaller rotors. All things I didn’t know a year ago and probably many still don’t know on here. And yes, stock brakes still suck, due to their poor cooling characteristics and poor feel, but by all means they’re fine with descent pads for daily non enthusiastic driving.

Going by what you hear on a forum tailored towards fanboys and not serious car building people will make you believe many things especially when most just want to feel ‘cool’ and be respected and fitting in. Slamming car, ‘drifting’, stretching tires (well more of a stateside thing), having brand name products, etc…

The process goes something like:


And you keep repeating until you tire yourself out. And yes I just made up those 3 steps (being obvious and all). :o

Unfortunately after all these years, Ahmed is still at #1. Poll on where he stands for 2009 anyone? :dunno:

i dont even know this guy is so no dice

I voted no.

With winter here - I’d rather read Ahmed’s posts than other random/‘car chat’ material that will inevitably be posted.

yeah well you built a car that can only go straight lol.

dude already has a rediculously long winded build thread on Fresh Alloy somewhere…

the sad part about all this, despite alot of the bullshit he throws around, is that his build is better than some of the people arguing with him.

i’ve been thinking about this the past few days and really, if the guy just has a bit of tact you’d all be such good friends. But he doesnt, so you’re enemies, which is fine.

my worry is that it will lead to mistakes or bravado on the track and someone will get hurt… lets not make it go that far.

Well like I said, despite some people’s imagination “you’ve been banned on every s chassis forum” and “everyone hates” lol, the fact is, I get perfectly along fine with all other forums I’m on, all the time. In fact we engage in intelligent discussions which produce results. It’s ONLY here I’m having issues with. That’s it. Zilvia like I said I got really banned cause I insulted US soldiers and guess what most zilvia mods, etc… are US soldiers. That is all.

“All s chassis forums” would have to be zilvia+son240 then.

Anyways I have no problem with people except people who act like retards but then accuse me of being one. For example pantaloons “you are an idiot”, “ur pos home made ones”, not having a clue what he’s talking about yet getting angry and calling me names.

Stateside-wise, people catching on, but its still a cliche market as most people still are drift oriented and brainwashed in ‘drift brands’. It may all sound foreign speak and some people may get pissed off as it hurts their emotional attachment to what they know, but that’s what it is. Believe me, even on zilvia some people act the same way about this, but slowly, people are catching on (there’s a divide on this). That’s why a number of us gathered up and created our own forum for grip only. That’s how I opened my eyes to a different set of thinking. I want to track my car, not be a retard on the street. And I want my money’s worth for myself, not for others to say ‘cool parts’. Otherwise I’d get the shinest arms possible and biggest brand names known amongst s chassis owners.

Edit: I’ll pm it for those serious enough, just as i did for white240, as he assumed too from the majority of speak here, I am talking out of my ass and have ‘nothing’ and know ‘nothing’. I am a newb in that world, but lots is to be learned. NASA and SCCA forums as well (that’s the two racing organizations state-side). Even the CASC (the canadian equivalent) is an interesting place to be. I’m a newb in this world, but that’s the direction I’m heading and not to be a fanboy who gets brand name parts just because.

dude, i know exactly what the guys on other forums think of you and i we can all see those discussions because we’re all on FA and Zilvia and have been for years.

you get into shit-shows over there too, don’t deny it. and its for exactly the same reasons as you do here.

it gets worse here because we’re all in the same school yard… which is fine, we’ve had worse arguements before, i’ve been directly involved in many.

The only thing that cannot happen is people getting hurt and showing up at peoples houses and roughing them up or making stupid moves on the track.

your best bet is going to be to relax and let your car do the talking; it will be a more effective tool at defending your case than you can do with a keyboard.

LOL discussions? Like what? Stretch nazis? Drift only whores? Obviously our mentalities differ. That’s why I created the maximum rubber thread in response. Guess what? I found people who supported my views :wink: And the guys from driftwerks that earned their hate from son240? I actually came to a peaceful conclusion with them, ultimately realizing they were hating me just cause they heard BS from son240. In fact what’s his name, the guy with the red 240sx, the admin of driftwerks, we became friends :slight_smile: He asked me to post my build thread on driftwerks, and yeah I’m anti-drift, anti-stretch, etc… but its all good. We came to good relations. Yes two three of those driftwerks guys from alberta (who know nothing about me still LOL) remained enemies with ‘what they heard from son240’.

Yeah that’s great for them.

Anyways I’m still on zilvia, I don’t engage in discussions of that sort though anymore. However, I’ve had chance to meet like minded people who helped me learn alot more :O)

You don’t realize how many other forums I’m on however :wink: german, uk, swedish, australian, new zeland, many state-side ones, they’re all pretty humble people who are open minded.

Edit: It’s like, you can’t go to ziptied and start talking about anti-drift or grip or whatever and expect a good response. Common-sense.

Finally some normal posts from him though holy shit.

As for people “catching on”. Catching on to what? Your idea of how cars should be built? Most people buy 240’s so they can drift. Obviously, its a cheap rwd car. Obviously everyone’s not gonna be slammed/ run coilovers/ whatever. But most people are because its fun for a lot of people.

So coming into a community where slamming cars, buying coilovers, etc. is popular and saying the complete opposite in an unproductive way as you have, you’re obviously going to have problems.

Let people do their own shit. Don’t criticize everyone for not building their car the way YOU feel it should be done. That’s my main problem with you.

And like i said before, don’t feel the need to dump all your KNOWLEDGE about the world on every thread in this forum. Especially when the direction of the thread is clearly not related to the politics behind it. The last thing i want is to read about the prejudice or the history of the world from a thread about some dude drifting on his bike in his iraqi, arabian, whatever it is outfit.

Edit: I’m beginning to think you just hit edit and add a period or some shit to every post… either way it’s also annoying as hell.

What I argue is information. The fact that people ask for advice but are given atypical s chassis owner drift, looks, whatever responses, then when those responses are ‘unheard of’ they get slammed (no pun intended LOL).

Like for example. Why would you spend 1500$ on something just to slam your car but have inferior handling and lack of comfort, when you could get something more comfortable, more performance and cheaper? Maybe not retarded slammed oil pan scrapping low, but still lowered. Ah well…

Edit: And about that last comment, you damn straight I will say something. The asshole who made that video tried to make fun of Arabs/Iraqis, but in fact missed the target by several tens of thousands of kilometers. Pretty retarded, but well deserved.

It’s not like it’s the first video of it’s kind, so many of those videos out there on youtube. The ‘burn-out’ itself was pretty cool though :stuck_out_tongue: