VOTE Tomorrow !

that was a good one, midget.

go chew on some extension cords.

great job @ helping to try & get some type of checks & balances system

X2 i hate santorum

yeah i had an accident when i was little, whats ur excuse for bein ugly?

Rendell = crooked career politician
Swann = fresh on the scene, “more” honest effort

No matter how you slice it, Swann is already successful, he isn’t doing this for fame or $$. Rendell is a crooked bastard, PA taxes have been on the rise ever since that fag got into office. Swann may make some mistakes, but I’ll take an honest guy making mistakes anyday, over some middle-aged criminal trying to give it to us raw. Slick Eddy’s kids “ran” his first campaign and made millions…yeah, he’s good guy.

what does him being jewish have to do with anything…

is swan a christian…well maybe he sould be out with a gay male prostitute??

nothing, thats why i edited that out myself ^

i hate when people bring up democrats & raising taxes…

guess what…we got a 8 trillion - whatever $ debt…unless there is a money tree somewhere its gotta be paid.

was the stiatistic…40% of your income tax goes to the INTREST on the debt.
thats disgusting

higher taxes are inevitable…period.

my dad’s half irish.

the point is we need checks & balances…& if you don’t see that or understand it…you’re ignorant/nieve/retarded

Ed Rendell is a no good useless piece of fuck. Fat fucking Philly mobster. Go ahead and vote for the douche bag, but don’t bitch when he raises the sales tax as he has already promised he would do. What was the first thing that dick did when he got elected? Raised the income tax of course. State budgets have increased 26% under fast Eddie. Typical tax and spend Liberal. But the sheep will vote the cock sucker back in…truly fucking unbelievable…the asshole who signed the pay raise and called it “good legislation”. The only governer who increased spending at the rate of Rendell was Bob Casey(another democrat, what a surprise).

Speaking of Casey…Blanyer you say “what the fuck is Swanns platform”? Well, WTF is CASEYS??? He is a useless empty suit who will be abandoned and shunned by the liberal democrats in Washington. He will be so ineffective that we may as well only have one senator. I don’t agree with everything santorum does, but he IS effective.

I am going to hold my nose and vote for mostly Republicans this year…not because they are that good, but because the dems are THAT bad. The only real exception is Daryl Metcalfe. Daryl gets it.
BTW, i was an active member of the Democratic party for over 20 years. I didn’t leave the party, the party left me.

re-amend elected senators to state appointed and clean up some of this crap!

I didn’t, I brought up Ed Spendell and raising taxes. I don’t know where you went to school, but answer me this. When the economy grows, and people make and spend more money, the government collects more because taxes are a % of everything we do. Why does that % need to go up, and when does it stop?

When you attempt to insult the intelligence of others, you might want to check your spelling. It’s “naive,” you moron, I’ve seen you try to use that word repeatedly on this board and you haven’t spelled it right yet, do you even know what it means? “Nieve” is fucking spanish for “snow.”

How ironic:
Naive: uninstructed: lacking information or instruction.

serenity now…

ohhhhh …i’m a moron…i totally forgot.

i’m not going to argue with someone who knows everything…

& sorry again for my typo…i thought i told you before i’m not Mavis beacon.

ummmmm… ass-clown…did i spell that right.

STFU pendejo

i didn’t go straight-party.

i voted for a member of the constitution party, for shits and giggles.

I think so, but I’m pretty sure it’s not in the dictionary, so assclown, ass clown, ass-clown, or ass-clahn (Pgh-ese) should all work.

haha… yah i voted straight republican EXCEPT when there wasnt a republican candidate… then i actually did vote democrat!

ohhh thats right cause people only use words that are in the dictionary

did anyone vote for the Gulf War veterans appropriation? I did, but that’s because I’m a tax-and-spend liberal.

voted Democrat across the Board. only because all the Republican candidates down here are shit, and there were no Libertarian candidates on the ticket.