VOTE Tomorrow !

More people need to register Libertarian. Most people our age really are Libertarian if they’d take a quiz. I see the Libertarians gaining ground in coming years.


not really. when the democrats gain control, they’ll shift to the left. the republicans will run more moderate candidates to regain control, ad nauseum, ad infinitum. if the libertarians ever get more than 2% of the vote, the republicans will just absorb the ideas and the voters. same with the greens and the dems.

and as for young people being libertarian?

socially libertarian, sure… but not economically. libertarian ideas on taxation are irresponsible pipe dreams.

I disagree, we have way too many taxes, so many that I can’t even keep track. How pathetic is that? A few that come to mind are gas, Income (both state and local in PA), property, sales, tobacco, alcohol, school, local, SS, FICA, captical gains, not to mention all the indirect taxes, inspection, registration, title fees, etc. Libertarians propose to simplify this.

You may think it’s a pipe dream, but that’s only because you’ve been indoctrinated with the philosophy that a complex situation/problem cannot be solved with a simple solution (let alone a simple problem). Historically speaking, the more complex a solution, the less effective it is, I won’t even get into the amount of waste associated with an overly complex solution. Take a look at any social support system in this country, and it will prove that to be true.

what’s the simple solution? a flat income tax? a flat sales tax? both fail on the concept that the incredibly poor and incredibly rich don’t spend proportionately. Someone living on minimum wage spends ALL of his income, and generally relies on his tax return to catch up, or barely get ahead. the incredibly rich don’t spend 100% of their income. only an exponential/graduated tax on income, combined with other taxes, can effectively generate enough revenue to finance what the government needs to spend. and before anyone says dick about cutting spending, the war in Iraq has cost more than anything I can think of.

wtf does it matter who spends how much of their income… rich people’s expenditures are more then ‘poor’ people income anyway… so the proportion is there for spending…

you going to tell me an ‘incredibly’ rich person doesn’t spend 30k in a year???

“only an exponential/graduated tax on income, combined with other taxes, can effectively generate enough revenue to finance what the government needs to spend.”

“only” - this is your problem… there isn’t ‘only’ one solution to problems.

what does the war have to do with any of this? … pointless

i’m tired of my taxes helping POS’es put 24’s on their escalade and yet they keep pooping out babies. I’m tired of my taxes going to help illegal immagrant POS’es, fuck em let them die in the streets. who ever can help me on that, i’ll vote for them.

I voted this afternoon. The person next to me had a funny looking license that went up and down, instead of side to side. The poll worker was confused. She had never seen a license that looked like that. So he explained that he was under 21.

He joked, “And they say young people don’t vote.”

reasons not to vote santorum

fuck the babies, kill them all!

if that bastard would stop having so many damn kids , he wouldn’t be wanting more money from tax-payers…


republican all the way!!!

Libertarian -> Socially liberal, fiscally conservative

that’s not what i’m saying at all.

what i’m saying is, a flat tax can’t generate as much income as a graduated tax without making the poor even poorer. if you cut taxes for the rich, someone has to make up the difference.

What ever happened to the middle class? now-a-days your either rich or poor, I feel the middle class is getting squeezed out, least since the republicans have been in power…

Rich people think I’m poor, poor people think I’m rich. I must be middle class? :dunno:

Top 5% pay 53.25% of all income taxes (Down from 2000 figure: 56.47%).
The top 10% pay 64.89% (Down from 2000 figure: 67.33%).
The top 25% pay 82.9% (Down from 2000 figure: 84.01%).
The top 50% pay 96.03% (Down from 2000 figure: 96.09%).

The bottom 50%? They pay a paltry 3.97% of all income taxes.

How’s that? I think the rich are paying WAY too much. That’s a good way to encourage them to move to other countries like Mexico and the Dominican where they can keep their money, and the poor can pay for their own asses here in the United States of fricking handouts.

I want sales tax, and no other taxes, then all the rapper wannabe drug dealers will pay tax on their Escalades and 24" rims, and I’ll stop giving back a third of my income before I even get it.

When was the last time a stone mason or a carpenter was the President? Regular Joe knows what regular Joe’s need.

Regular Joe’s know the following novel concept: How about enact a flat tax and we reduce the ability of government to spend by reducing the size of our government and making lifer politicians a thing of the past? Regular people enacting sensible legislation instead of this BS we see around us today?

Usually I vote D, but this election I voted for one R. Can’t remember who as I did it a month ago.

reduce the size of government? lol…

you must really hate reagan and bush then.