VR Turbs Billet engine mounts

I forgot about that, they have those ribs on the underside IIRC. I can machine those to suit if necessary. I was just thinking of two hollow dowels at the chassis bolt holes on the OEM mounts, like used on headstuds and transmission bell patterns.

Either or. Neither is any more difficult then the next in reality.

this is my available option


Nice work Adam!

dude those mounts are titties… want to machine some for my caddy!!!

solid work adam, literally LOL

Wow awesome work man those mounts looks great

I think they’re going to be the only thing under his hood polished, so they’ll stand out like a sore thumb. Even in comparison to the intake manifold.

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

What is the cost for a set?
Pm if needed

For a custom set or a set of these? You have to realize that there is over $230 in billet alone on average. A set of these will probably fall in the $500-600 range. Custom you pay by the hour, $75hr + material.

I seriously still need to come hang out at the shop for awhile. I totally understand if I’m not allowed to touch anything, everyone knows i can’t fix nothin.

I do mind, that’s why i specifically asked people NOT to it.

Seriously hope this was a joke.


hes got to be joking noone is really that fucking stupid.

This nitrous oxide character joined today and has made 10 posts all of which are negative comments twoards peoples f/s ad’s and other posts…i say ban

annnnd he’s gone

problem taken care of. It was probably one of the four clowns that were banned yesterday for not following simple directions

Pics are back up. Seriously, I only ask this as A) I’ve posted this here for your eyes only(as best I can) and don’t need other people seeing it and copying ideas(has happened to me many times before), and B) I don’t need my email inbox inundated with sales requests for a product I have yet to release to the public, all because someone cross linked to a site.

Simple request. Can’t see why it’s so hard to follow.

I posted that shit all over vortex

Wow Adam. Those are SICK looking. Supra is begging for some epic fab work.

Nice meeting you today, Adam.

very nice work as always sir.