. Vs K20 Fight thread

With all the arguing that I do with Joey on here I figured to not ruin all of the other threads we needed this.

Joey when your dad lets you out of time out I’ll be here for ya!

there’s no time out…and arguments start randomly…this won’t last

I know but we can come here instead of ruining everyone’s threads

guy on guy action??! :wow :banana

You’re both pussies.

yo mike… how pumped are you for political theory tomorrow

Trying to go to bed…fuck this forum.


You guys say ‘fuck this forum’ but both of you frequent here more than most.

What’s wrong with that?

A lot of people say “fuck america” …but refuse to live in any other country throughout this whole entire world.

haha yea i think they mean that in a joking way, like its keeping them from going to bed on time etc


was a joke of sorts. JEEEEZZ

my thread got jacked !!! haha

here, ill add fuel to the fire
FUCK K20/24’s

wtf is going on? did I miss something?

I say it with much love! Haha

Fuck your face

and his Girlfriend!

im not cool enough to have a thread bashing me. :sad