"CallOut's", "Battlefield" and other foolishness ..

I don’t bother reading B/field threads, def waste of time.

And C/O’s are pretty darn juvenile.

Vovchandr, when are you going to start cleaning up this forum?

Ok dude youre old enough to be the father of most of the people that post on here.

That being said its gonna be a bit more ‘juvenile’ than youre probably used to.

Remember what happened the last time you “hoped for change?” Well guess what, same concept.


what are C/O’s

and the battlefield was created for exactly what you are complaining about lol

dude the forum is fine ,my god its people like you that make it shitty .wow how ya sound like travis about 10 mos ago .just because your the bastard shift member and NOONE likes you why should we change for you ?go eat a dick

He’s mad because I jokingly called him out on his weak Stage 2 Cobalt SS

c/o= call outs

thanks paul


well that was for Ryan but if it helped you too thats great. :thumbup

thanks seriously :lol . i didnt know wtf he was talking about haha

paul got the thinkin cap on tonight

as opposed to…


hahaha i almost forgot that you collect matchbox cars

omfg im DYING over here… had to quote this for epicness.

lolllll +rep luv ya paul

EDIT: nvm cant


k. :retardclap

Shouldnt you have a family to be tending to by now?