"CallOut's", "Battlefield" and other foolishness ..

no seriously… your life is a giant train wreck

call outs on internet forumns are gay. and so is stating that call outs on internet forumns are gay on the internet forumn you were called out on. yes this place is imature. deal with it its a internet forumn. not a political brunch, or french bistro. we’re all car nuts and most of us are imature and like fart jokes and stupid shit like that. if you dont like it gtfo.

have a nice day

this thread is going right to the trashbin. thats how we clean things up around here

:rofl WIN!!

Oh, and every GOOD forum has a callout/kill section, in one form or another. OP, try going to SVTP and go post something under “Smackdown”… let me know how that works out for ya :lol


put it this way Mr stage 2. We cannot control what people say/do/etc. We all believe in freedom of speech etc etc. So to curb the entire thread to be cluttered with such threads, we made subforums for the threads to happily exist. you can think of it like a sandbox for the kiddies to play in, so to speak.

what your hypothetically trying to do is to waltz into the sandbox, complain about the sand, and ask that it be removed because “you don’t like it”, or “its for little kids”

basically put, just ignore the subforums and no harm done.

not only that but 75% of the call out threads are mainly jokes between two friends just busting balls.

Stage II has the rice wing, he automatically wins no matter what.

Really chris…that’s all you have to add to the situation? kinda troll-ish

enter: mr. goody two shoes

Yes because the thread fails HARD to begin with, Mr. Super Moderator.

Very well put.

Chris, watch it. I’ll let him ban you, I won’t stick up for you like I did Kramer. :tongue

yeah thats right EAT SHIT JASON

143 nicole

what the FUCK are you talking about. no need to get a big DICK over this, kramer.

you’re banned.