vs white and blue Mustang GT

out in the southtowns where I live theres a guy with a early 4.6 Mustang GT that is white w shelby style blue stripes…
I have seen it out the Walmart way on XXX a bunch of times…
Anyways his car is apparently an M5 and he likes to throw revs my way whenever he goes past my house or see’s me out in public (IE: I will be getting out of my car in Tops parking lot and he see’s me as he drives by and drops it down a gear or two)
Anyways this has been going on for a few months…
I am not very intimidated since the early mod Mustangs are far from being beasts…
I dont know his mods but he does have an aftermarket exhaust that is dumped …
Well today I was polishing up my car and almost ready to put it away and he drives up and throws a rev my way so I figure todays the day, schools in session…
He pulls out into traffic from a parking lot across from my house and I follow, he starts doing about 80 in a 30 and passes a slow moving truck on a double solid in a school zone…
So I am like fuck this, not going to play some backwoods chase shit…
I drive out of town figuring I am going to turn around at the next crossroad, get up there and bingo there he is…
So I follow him and he turns left onto a wide open country road and I follow but I move into the oncoming lane and proceed to lap him by about 6 bus lengths to 100 or so where I back off and he flys back up on my ass and follows me until I make a left, same deal I punch it, he punches it several bus lengths appear between me and him in my rear veiw and I back off again…
he follows and I make a left onto another wide open country road and I signal to pull over expecting him to pull up next to me to run from a dig and he tries to lap me in the left lane…
He knocks it down a gear or two and rolls into it and as he starts to pass me I put the hammer down…
He got about half a car on me before I reeled him in
The look on the passangers face was priceless, it went from glee (yeah!! your winning!!) to shock (wtf??! Why are we not pulling!) to horror (jesus christ you got walked!) as I pulled about 5 cars on him before he dropped back behind me…

An outcome I and most people with the slightest knowledge of cars would anticipate but it was one I dont think him or his buddy were expecting…

Not bragging about beating a lowly GT but bragging about taking someone down a few pegs…

You gotta know when to hold em and when to fold em but this dude shouldnt have bothered pulling a chair up to the table:shoot:

what kind of car do you drive?

the early 281 stangs are 15 second cars all day long, but the owners always seem to think their the fastest things on 4 wheels. nice kill

HAHAHa Very nice. How old did the guy look?

Well I am pretty sure with him being M5 and having a few mods he is at least mid 14’s lol
Who knows maybe he has cams and gears and every bolt on and is in the 13s :headbang:
My car is the car in my sig

I would say the driver is in the 21-25 age range

what color is his car? i might have an idea of who it is

Its white w 2 big blue Shelby style stripes on it

He pulls out into traffic from a parking lot across from my house and I follow, he starts doing about 80 in a 30 and passes a slow moving truck on a double solid in a school zone…
So I am like fuck this, not going to play some backwoods chase shit…

EXACTLY! Why the fug do people that want to play, and expect u to drive like and idiot to race/follow them?

I had a TA pass by me at like 75-80 in a 65…he hits the brakes (no one around) I just about catch up and he guns it again and pulls away…:gotme: maybe he wanted to fuck with me I dunno.

nice kill :tup:

i don’t get fox body guys. i mean there are some real fast ones out there, but you ask just about any guy with a fox body and he thinks it’s fast regardless of how fast it really is.

:word: Same with alot of cars though…camaros, almost all older muscle cars, GTPs, ect. Unless they’ve driven something faster…they always think their car is fast. My gf thinks my car is really fast…I think it’s ehh, since I’ve been beat by faster and ridden in 1-2 fast 10sec. street~able cars. But, to each there own.


nice kill :tup:

i don’t get fox body guys. i mean there are some real fast ones out there, but you ask just about any guy with a fox body and he thinks it’s fast regardless of how fast it really is.


Hey, chill out on the fox bods!!! This is about the SN95 Mustang:D I have a fox and know exactly where my car fits in…that’s why I don’t go around driving like a dick…you need to run into more fox guys like me:headbang:

nice kill…
no names dude…

im out…