SC GP/GT vs. Body kit Mustang

I really dont know if he was trying or not (car sounded mean and sounded like he was trying but…I dunno)

So, Im at a light and up pulls a loud grey late 2000ish~ Mustang with a nice body kit. The car was really low and had a mean exh. note. I didnt really get a chance to look over but, prepared for the “go” just in case he was game.
The light goes green we proceed to go, I hear him get into the gas a bit, and I followed suit. When he wasnt getting ahead of me he got on it more, and so did I. Finally just went WOT and pulled ahead enough till I hear him let off (yeah, thats how loud it was, almost like Kens:mamoru:).
We get to another light, I cant see him but, know hes first in line at the light. I rev a bit (kinda funny because Im pretty sure he couldnt here my exh. over his) just to let him know Im down to go again.
The light goes green and we’re off. Hes on the gas pretty good this time. I go half throttle to stay ahead and he *sounded like he went WOT and I went WOT as well and stayed ahead. Once again heard him let off and it was over. He turned off on a side road and I continued straight wondering if he was really racing or not.
For both of these given events neither time did I go over 60mph. So, if anything…we were both just toying with each other. But, since I dont post many of my kills and Im hoping the owner of the Mustang is on here and reads this I figure what the hell. For all I know the mustang owner could have had 800whp and just dickin with me, or been stock except exh. and thought I was just a stock GP GT.:gotme:. Either way I stayed ahead on those 2 runs so neener neener nee ner :smiley:
:bloated: :smiley: :cjerk:


Imo i think if he hade mega hp he would have given you at least a tiny taste of it. Just to show there is something in there. So i will say nice kill.

nice. What done to your car?

:tup: good kill

I bet it was BlazinGT’s car. His car’s all bark and absolutely no bite.

My car has a few goodies…

superchargered, intercooled, p/p’ed heads, cam, headers, and a few other lil things. It ran a 12.6 so far at NYI on pump gas and low WOT timing.

^^ Do you usually like to dig or roll race?

what color was the mustang?


a loud grey late 2000ish~ Mustang

lol nice kill :tup: you probably hurt his feelings

^^ Do you usually like to dig or roll race?

Well, being FWD I kind of favor the 40mph roll…but, I could ~try~ a dig. I mean, its for fun so I dont care if I lose.

mustang GT lol

oh HAHA…:gotme:

^^^…lol, i ALMOST said the same thing

Well, I had fun regardless…and it wasnt like beating up on a cavy…so I dunno.


OOPS lmao…well, we could run and see if I have the right to say that. :wink:

Put in some pump gas and crank the timing then! Lets see what it can do.


I will soon enough, I’ve been pretty busy lately so I’ve been just cruising the car, actually put a bigger pulley on it for now.