vtec switch

if i am adding vtec to my engine is there anyhthign you guys suggest to activate the vtec? should i go with an apexi unit? any help is appreciated here

Get any automatic non-vtec ecu or any vtec ecu. Then go to hybrid and get it chipped for any standalone via hondata or chrome, unichip, uberdata… whatever and wham you can tune and have vtec.

The apexi unit will work but it will only be a bandaid … do it right, hell if you get chrome and chipped and tunned it will cost you only chump change more than buying the apexi unit then chipping down the road. My moto is do it once with things like that.

Definitely go with some type of chipped ecu. Programs such as Crome can be had for free on the internet and many basemaps can also be downloaded for free. All you need is a socketed ecu.

you could go the budget way and buy a msd rpm activated switch . the one with the pills . i almost use one on my y8 motor in my 4g but i decided to run it with out vetac.