Vw Corrado VR6 4 sale

Cars a hoopty ass pile

I doubt you’re gonna sell this thing to people who know its not worth what you’re asking.
And you didn’t answer my other questions. Concerning paint job cost, where and when it was done, car mileage and availability of carfax.

If I was to take this to PM and seriously invest time in potentially buying your car, I would want all of this information first. Someone who is unwilling to make that information public bothers me.

lower your asking price by half and maybe you will find someone dumb enough to buy it

Did this guy do something wrong besides trying sell an overpriced corrado? Its a tough crowd in here lol

Judging by deadbeats post Id say he probably did

Yeah but one psychotic post is exactly that. Alot of people are being pretty critical of this thing so I was just awondering who else he may have ticked off other than deadbeat of course lol.

Nothing I know of besides pricing a car for literally 3-4 times what its actually worth

I’m on him because he hasn’t posted the mileage and information about his paint job. Before its taken to PM’s, I would like this information.

I have no problems with him other than the above.

The op is a liar and wont hides the truth about his vehicles

I’d like to hear this story

+1 in for shit fit

OP sold an M3 to deadbeat that needed a shit ton of work. Deadbeat was not informed about the various things wrong. Plus, he had to fix a bunch of cob jobs. Suspension components installed wrong etc.

he is a liar! told me he swapped the motor for a newer motor with less miles for the hell of it. well after i bought the car i found out that infact he blew it up running from the cops or some shit like that. lied out his ass to my fathers and my face. has the audacity to bring a fake mechanic and trys to hide a shit ton of things. tells me the car has a lot more than it did. i fixed a tonnnnnnn on this car and am still picking up his shitpile peices.

Anthony, your a no good worthless uneducated wanna be Italian who should go bite onto a shotgun barrel and let the lead fly u fuck face!

car is hidious

No longer interested, thanks for the heads up deatbeat.

And thanks for reinforcing what he is saying by not answering my questions Anthony.

Already got a deposit. I have no time for haters, and people with no money. Keep talking shit, I got this car sold by the end of the week, and that m3 was a great car. Stop crying like a bitch. Threats like that will get you in trouble big guy. Let’s see how far you get with shitting on my 518 thread. Lmao. Have fun jeep going. :wink:

and your going to be ripping someone else off…

You lied thru your teeth when you sold e-man that car… And before you call me a liar. remember I was there for that whole fucked up ordeal with you want this and that done for nothing and in return

you would hook them up with contacts cuz you know so many people and could do things for them, like trying to assrape Jclark out of his exhaust…

Why lie about your uncle, or well it was probably you, money shifting the car running from the police? It’s got a low miles motor out of nicks old car, why fucking lie about that.

Will someone +rep me so I can neg this guy PLEASE

On the basis of his failure to answer my legitimate questions about his vehicle through many of the means of communication on this forum, such as PM or thread response.

Unless you dropped your price by 5-6k youre full of shit about already having a deposit

Money shifting? Any relation to power shifting?