VZW problems.....

This is why dealing with the public sucks. You get shit on for enforcing policies you don’t get a say in.

man, you are whats wrong with retail customers. you have a used phone. you want to give it to vzw for a new phone. that makes sense to you?

let me explain something. VZW doesnt HAVE to take care of the warranty on these things. they do it as a courtesy. the manufacturers are the ones that actually warranty the devices, VZW is just the carrier.

those techs at the stores? fucking lowly hourly monkeys that have their hands tied. “wrecking their day” isnt going to get you anywhere, and you better fucking believe if I was still running a store and you came in, i’d fucking toss your ass without so much as a second thought.

want someone to bend over backwards for you? be polite. i cant even begin to explain the lengths i used to go for people who were polite. i’d spend days fixing billing issues / making sure everything was right. people like yourself would get less effort than it takes to order a coffee.

on behalf of everyone thats ever worked cellular retail, go fuck yourself.

so true.

There is absolutely no way you paid $300+ for this phone WITH a 2 year contract, go make up some more BS.

you bought the phone outright, and if i recall correctly, you were bugging me for ways to get the 2 year cost without signing a 2 year “because you’ve already signed a contract, why would you sign another?”

Shades of retail evolve coming back…


it’s like flashbacks to nam…

I’m ranting on the internet.
I’m polite to the people in the store every time I go in there. I work retail to I know what its like. People flipping out and wanting to warrenty something 4 years old.
I got a $50 mail in rebate with the phone so 306 after tax.
I did sign a new 2 year, recipt is in my wallet.
Recpit also say 1 year mfg warrenty…
I have wasted tons of time trying to help people that later screw you over.
I would be more than happy if my current phone would just work. Also I have no problem leaving the phone for a day or something and I have told them that.
I know being polite goes a long way, and I intend to be polite to the people in the store. again I’m ranting online, and shooting off my keyboard.

My apologies, i had a different model in my head, you may have spent that much with a 2 year.

1 year mfg warranty…vzw is the carrier, not the mfg. casio is the mfg. you can prolly send it to casio for repair, but at that point…you are waiting for the phone to come back, and whats the difference between a repaired one and a refurb?

I just realized that, I’m going to contact casio direct and also see verzion to make sure its not somehting with my line.
As soon as the phone gets signal it will turn on / off itself. Once I can’t make calls or text it stays on without an issue

I’ve noticed people having issues with many newer models. I always see these people keep having to return phones to verizon becuase they are acting up. Thats why I stick to “old” phones. When my first phone broke that I got from Jeff after like 3-4 years of use, I went on ebay and bought another one. lol They just don’t make phones like they used to.