W2H(want to have): Scrap

word, let me know. i will stop by. and if is small stuff i will being the sicvic and take it for a run. -again

Dan: You know that you can take the ranger if you have something large or greasy…

Will get super MPGs with the new weight reduction mods.


i have a couple scrap pieces (good size/weight) of roll cage tubing behind my garage…your welcome to it…you know where i live…just grab it.

for a 12 pack of guiness you can have a complete honda d16y8 block with pistons, rods and crank (however pieces of the rods shot out through the block in a couple small spots lol), an alternator, a bike battery and a car battery

I have access to a duplex on Lafayette West Side. Anybody want to pay to strip all the copper out of it ? It is going to be torn down by the city. My friend owns it and could use some cash but lacks the skills to do it himself so he would rather sell the rights to take it out.

Are you buying and then selling or just “taking” and then selling?
(I am not being a smart ass, I am just wondering.)

where is this duplex? maybe he’d want to sell it with the copper still in it? (if its not too hood i’d buy a duplex)

The house is already on the city’s list of demolitions. They haven’t scheduled it yet but it could be today, next week or a year from now. No way to know. He’s in a shitty situation. He had a few cosmetic violations and no way to repair them so he made a deal with the city a year ago.

I will be stopping by tonight to ship some items. I will give you a PM

Sounds good dre, give me a pm we will meet up

I wouldnt pay for it up front, but if he wanted to work out a deal i would do it, i have power tools and a source.

I really have been just picking it up for people who dont want to deal with it. I would haul it in for people if they wanted to pay for my gas and such. i am only doing this to help raise $$ for the racecar, so i can help the people who come to the races/ shop help me work on the car. I.E this is beer $$/ pit pass$$/ passport$$/ gas$$.

let me know give me a pm and i will call you.

A friend of mine works for citistat, and I have another friend in the permit office. (I went to UB for urban planning so I’m starting to have friends/classmates in the right places). sometimes houses on the demo list can be saved. sometimes.

maybe something could be worked out

oh shit… i need to dig up a passport.

It is a lot with 2 duplexes. At this point he just wants it to go away. It’s a very, very long story.

if he made a deal with the city then it may not be leagl to strip the copper out, but if it is then 50% is the usually the best deal anyone would make… hell id even offer that but it would have to be soon,cause copper is dropping by the day

He still owns it and can do what he wants. The deal with the city is that they say cost is 20K to tear it down. He has been paying $50.00/month. He pays until it is paid off or he dies. The city then takes his other property. He has zero income and made a deal with the devil…

if he changes his mind let me know, i may be able to help him out

no need it will come out the basement with ease. i just really need someone to help me

ok, pm me your number addy and when you have time this weekend. thanks

i have a sawzall, that should be good enough if the house isnt going to be saved

weekend, bump, i am going to be making some stops tonight after 9.

i need some rotors taken care of 4 or 5 of them