waiting 30 minutes after eating to swim?

do it you won’t

but i’ve never had any problems. i think people are crazy.

When you eat a meal, your parasympathetic NS takes over. That means blood from other areas of your body is directed to your GI area for digestion. Blood carries oxygen (duh) and when you are moving around swimming, your arms, legs, etc. need a lot of blood.

Its not a good idea.


Most people do not really “swim” when they go in the water. Eat a full meal and then go jogging for a half hour.

And as far as the out of shape stuff, ask any one who really swims. A bad cramp will take you under. I don’t care if your an olympic swimmer.

But, your right. For the general population, it won’t matter because all the do is flop around in the water. lol

EDIT_ I read the rest of the thread, boardjnky said this and howie. lol


disappears into obscurity never to be seen again

According to the internets your stomach will explode in a huge fireball.


also, if you cramp hard enough, you might puke…and cleaning puke out of the pool is NOT fun.