waive Nextel termination fee??

i had nextel but i was not able to get service where my girlfriend lives so i had to cancel it and switch to verizon. basically i wanna know if anyone knows a way i can get the termination fee waived cus they’re raping me pretty good. thanks in advance.

Doubt it. It may be possible to get it prorated I heard. Basically, if you completed 80% of your contract, you only pay 20% termination fee.

read and good luck

tell them you are going out of country, tell them to put your phone on suspend or whatever

i think you only end up paying 5 bucks a month, for up to 3 months.

i already cancelled my contract…so would that still apply u think?


didnt think so

Forge a death certificate and mail it to them???

hahaha, i was considering the whole faking death thing lol. but thats kinda considered fraud and with my luck something would happen.

Uhhh…yeah. No way in hell you’d get away with that.

eh, he might of had the account not already been ported out.

switch to sprint at no charge then port your numbers to verizon, no cancellation fee since your within sprint’s buyer’s remorse period (grace period).

And don’t tell me this can’t be done because my best friend runs a Nextel store and I work at T-Mobil and I’ve done it about 6 times.

The only wireless company that is prorating cancellation fees is Verizon. For every month you’ve had them, $5 is deducted from your cancellation fee, but a 2yr contract cancellation cannot fall under $60 and a 1yr cannot fall under $120.

so if you’ve had Verizon for 10 months, and want to switch to say T-Mobil, your cancellation fee would be $125 ($175 - $50).

how would i not get charged by switching to sprint?

not saying it cant be done, but thats a real grey area. more power to you if u get it taken care of. i’d prolly bet he would have to be in the 15 day trial period for vzw still for it to work.