Get Out of Your Verizon Contract W/O Penalty

Note, this ONLY applies if you do NOT have a txt message plan.

nice for those that want out

if you read the thread, alot of people are calling, and VZW isn’t letting them out of contract.

I’m trying to get my gf out of contract, shes still got a year with overpriced VZW with a shitty phone…

If you have no txt plan, they are obligated to let you out. I am sure Evolve will comment on this tomorrow or later tonight.

i didn’t hear about this yet, but i’ll check on it tomorrow and reply more about it when i get home from work.

yep, can’t wait for his response.

My gf has no txt on her plan, she dropped it a couple months ago.

Cingular just did this same thing, its a real hassle to get out. you need to be persistant, and continue to escalate to supervisors until they just give up.

im on vacation, so i dont really care right now. but as i remember, they have had a clause in their contract for changes like this for a long time.

just asked my manager, he said it’s Sprint that is letting you do it. not verizon.