Walmart dance party?

Sweet deal!

I’d do this if I could bring myself to set foot in a walmart.


:tup: i was on a really good walmart free streak until work forced me to go there and purchase a life sized deer head that sings “sweet home alabama” and “I’ve got friends in low places”

yeah i know i’m definitely too good for that place, too.

christ. i don’t particularly like wal-mart either but god damn, yet again you manage to talk down to the greater majority of, oh, everyone

Even for a dance party I wouldn’t set foot in walmart, they are evil… who cares if employees are stupid… there’s a lot more stuff going on there that makes me not want to shop there.
That’s kinda a cool vid tho.

I simply don’t shop at places that make their workers wear smocks.


That was pretty nifty, too bad Walmart is quite possibly pure evil is retail form.

I heart Wal-Mart… and Sam’s Club… and screwing with the radios in any department store…


…not too good for it, I just don’t support huge nasty companies… or try not to at least. Walmart is the worst of the worst. I wasn’t talking down to anyone. why do you have to be so defensive? I wasn’t talking about anything or anyone but walmart. sheesh.

the greater majority of everyone? okay then.

just what i epected… a bunch of " i need attention from Wal-Mart shoppers cause my parents ignore me" fags.

But there is a mother there. And some fatass that’s thinking “OH gimme more crunch and munch for my dollar MR HAPPY FACE!”

For all we know, and this is Walmart so it’s even more likely, that older person is probably the mother of all those children.

thats a lot of emos.

lol exactly what I was thinking

i shop at wal-mart all the time…maybe i am just stupid…they have great deals

They only have great deals on a very limited amount of products. That way they get you in there with the super cheap crap, but most people like to buy middle of the road stuff which is usually priced higher at Wal-Mart than other local merchants. I bought some washer fluid there, then went to Wegmans and saw it cheaper.

i’d keep up this pseudointellectual volley, but i just had some hot sex and i’m gonna go to sleep now :tup:

Why can’t my babies all love eachothers. :frowning: