Wannabe racers @ Dunville (or.... more BS than your nose can stand)


Hang on just a second. TMP serves beer?

Next challenge: Who is the fastest driver here while risking a DUI?


I think I already lost on that one :roll2:


Xander. PERIOD.


holy shit i lol’ed


I like TMP over Dunnville, everyone has there opinion; I perfer going 120-130 on the straights


Longer straights, poorly laid out corners. Only good thing about TMP is it’s a good drift course.

And no, we did not partake in the beer till after we were done for the day. Just like those drinking at Dunnville were not allowed anywhere near a car and had to stay under the tent with the grill.


Details needed immediately. M5 motor out of E39?


E34 S38B36. I had planned on building it and running a stupid large turbo on it. Dave had been hounding me to buy it for awhile, I finally sold it to him, he was going to swap it in the e30, he sold the e30, now I bought the S38 back. :lol:


I said i would race him last friday, he said if he brought the Evo… no Evo, so no race

I have no problem racing him, never said I did. I wont be at the next dunnville trackday.

I never even said I was a fast driver, I was told I needed to learn how to drive after blowing out my clutch because my Evo 9 was making too much power (thats the problem I had with Joe); how it turned into me not being able to drive hard enough on a track I have no idea… nor do i care. I’ll admit I’m no fucking expert at racing at all; GSTairs said I am slow and suck at racing and I didnt see he/she out there. I also had a 17 year old driving my car as well, so dont assume things. I have quite a few track days under my belt. Ive out handled 4 carrera’s including a 4S at TMP. Is Joe better than me? I dont know, he might be and he might not, who cares. I never said i did. There was a reference to Joe working hard. I work just as hard at my job if not more. I dont have parents that have money, hell i make more money than both of them. So enough of this fast driver talk cause it was never about that

Back on topic:
Joe if you want to street race (which I rather not), track race or dragstrip race I have no prob doing so and no hard feelings about everything we’ve both said to eachother; I’m sure your a cool dude… I’d rather not race for money, I like a more friendlier race. And if anyone else wants to race, call me out; i hate losing but you’ve got to sometime.


well your first two sentences contradict themselves. If you have no problem racing Joe…then race him in whatever car he has and stop whinning about people saying you are slow or don’t have a lot of driving skill. You admitted that yourself many times in this thread.

Oh and I wasn’t driving my car…even though it was there, because I had to work late. But I came up after to watch…and I did pay attention…that’s how I noticed your lack of skill :slight_smile: And what does your parents having money or not have anything to do with this?

If I run into on the street, a track, auto-x…whatever…I’ll race you drama queen :lol:

Is Stairs trash talking someone or do I need a cat scan? LOL


Is Stairs trash talking someone or do I need a cat scan? LOL


i was just gonna do a double take on that too.


If I run into on the street, a track, auto-x…whatever…I’ll race you drama queen :lol:


:lolham:fuck what cars everyone brought slow/fast, lol, i wanted to ask jrod lets race your evo time for time and see who wins? … i pay my bets also :wiggle:

stairs dropping bitch slaps on that shit…

its kind of gettin old, jarrod has a bad temper that showed but he isnt the worst driver ever and he is a good dude.


its kind of gettin old, jarrod has a bad temper that showed but he isnt the worst driver ever and he is a good dude.


I agree.

ive seen him around autocross, i dont think hes a bad driver or anything and he seems pretty cool, i just like driving to talking

word. jarrod is faster than most out there, he’s a very aggressive driver and if he was smoother he’d be even faster.

Aside from all this who’s a faster driver BS, if Jarrod doesn’t like someone he lets them know, and probably overdoes it, yes. But ask anyone who knows him in person and they’ll tell you he’s one of the most trustworthy people you’ll ever meet.

I just had to put that out there.

I was in the opposite run group as the both of you therefore I was watching from the sidelines. If Jrod’s evo was the non-trailered dark gray one then it wasn’t slow by any means, the benz was way faster than I was expecting though, just my two cents…


the benz was way faster than I was expecting though


psh. Hardly a fair comparo.

Our cars are driven by little Japanese four bangers, while the CLK is powered by unforgiving souls of the entire third reich.


psh. Hardly a fair comparo.

Our cars are driven by little Japanese four bangers, while the CLK is powered by unforgiving souls of the entire third reich.


Thanks for the quote

kamakazi vs blitzkrieg?


Our cars are driven by little Japanese four bangers, while the CLK is powered by unforgiving souls of the entire third reich.


LOL just burst out laughing at work…


… while the CLK is powered by unforgiving souls of the entire third reich.



zong made me pee a lil


kamakazi vs blitzkrieg?


Blitzkreig wins everytime.