Want to Rent: Apartment near Syracuse

Any Syracuse guys know of good places for apartment living near Camillus? I will be moving within the next 6 weeks and am looking for somewhere to stay in the Camillus area. I took a job in Skaneateles and would prefer to keep my commute around 25 minutes or under. But if there are some places a little closer to Syracuse from Camillus I’d still consider them. I’m looking for a 1 bedroom apartment with rent $500- $800 a month and hopefully some utilities included if it’s on the higher end of the price range. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

I know of a couple apts in Skaneateles and Marcellus(10 min from skan) that my friend’s family owns in that price range. I’ll pm you their number when I find it. Judging from your screen name you might play some hockey so if you are looking for a league to play in I am in one in Skaneateles(it’s the town I grew up in) that is always looking for skilled players.

Thanks that would be great. I’d still prefer Camillus so I can be a little closer to Syracuse. I looked at Marcellus but it just seems too small of a town for me. And I like having the city nearby for things to do. And I’d definitely be interested in some men’s league hockey :tup:.
