looking for something that isn’t going to smoke me out, or give me a headache. Was told by my father to look into the blue flame type of heaters, ventless is key because I don’t have the option to start cutting holes into walls (I rent a duplex) so I’d to know if anyone has anything I could use
yea I had one of those before, not to mention that’s about 10 times the fuckin heat I need lol I’m only heating a small 2 car garage. I’ve found a few blue flame ventless propane heaters on CL, anyone have any good luck with them?
i got a heater that i took out of my g’mas house,runs on kerosen,works like bn,same kind that i got in my shop,throws some killer heat,let me ask my dad how much he wants for it,i can prolly get him down to a resonable price ill send u a pic tommorow
I actually just traded my friend a bunch of random VW stuff that I’ve had for years and was going to throw out for his propane salamander, thanks for all of the help guys
no they don’t, but you may need to open the door every few hours, depending on your tolerance to the fumes. I never had a problem and usually had it blowing directly on my face