wanted- ipod

Actually I have a long history at work with Apple products…all the way back to the LISA. I just don’t like their philosophy or their products. I guess I’m just not one of those people who want a computer “for the rest of us”.

And don’t get me started on ipods with their non-replaceable battery bullshit.

160Gb is Big does anyone Fill these things up?

Are Iphones $300 now?

i bought my macbook because there is no better laptop on the market, hardware wise… no body can come close to design and build quality… and once they went intel, it was a no brainer, being able to dual boot windows and osx at my hearts content rocks…

and when i bought my ipod, i had a Creative Zen Touch player just prior, which i loved, but there was a design flaw that allowed dust to get under the screen with no way to clean it without taking the unit apart… so i took it back and bought the ipod, i still have not seen a player that can rival it… i own a zune also which i like for different reasons.

$399 for 8 gig, 4 gig is no longer made…


i’d love to talk to you in person. :fanboy: :slight_smile:

sailor, i’ll give you my sandisk mp3 player

ha, iTUnes is built for retards… apple dumbs it down to sell to the mass retards. It took em all of a few min to figure the program out when i worked for them. Hell you can just set it it sync all your music and not have to do anything but update your library and plug in your ipod. I Dont think it can get much simpler then that :hsugh:

Still, fuck apple, i used to work for them.