lmao i know nyspeed, i was the pick on kid for a while till this storm of newbs cam so im like # 4 now
You where picked on cause you act like a ass, dont act like you dont know why
no one picked on my before untill i stuck up for myke the shark hood neon guy then it went downhill from there so lesson learned dont stick up for neon drivers lol
dude why do you take ur trail of shit with you everywhere you go?
people dont want to live iwth you. people dont want to spend time with you.
sorry reality sucks but dont ruin this forum with continuing to be a part of it.:blah:
and on a serious thread related note.
can i come by and check it out?
id like to gtfo out of the rents house and dont want to spend a ton of cash.
I dont care what you tried to do you did it by making stupid pointless coments
ummm stfu :tantrum::tantrum:
and for the record i was kidding about the roomate thing i like living where i do its free
arent you in high school??
yep senior
yes, she is
Speedped, didnt we just have a PM talk about not posting stupid things?
come on, cut the shit, you were doing good for sometime there
Agreed. IKSHO89 and myself had this convo earlier how we thought you were becoming a better part of the boards. Then this happened…
ooooo sry, ill stop i just got really bored
do yourself the favor
Seriously man, I just Im’d cky today and said I thin speedped is becomeing an acceptible member now this, WTF? the speedped who doesnt post in off topic is much better.
Holy grammar, you misspelled Queens English, 3.1’s don’t come TUBRO (except the 89 tgp{wbod})and even if it did you would have to sell that pos 305 to afford the piping . That being said her sister is probably old enough to know better than to talk to you so try a litle bit younger i think by 2 they havent developed morals yet.
this is true
soloIIscoob is the only person acceptable.