why don’t you shut the fuck up from now until eternity.



you never give up do you?
Sonny your a bitch, when you see me at a meet please do come and say all of these things to me in person and see how quick you end up needing your jaw wired back to the rest of your face

who said you didn’t :hsugh:

Best thread ever


Isent that your moms! lol :rofl: :rofl:

moms ride, FTMFL

here is another member opening their mouth not knowing what they are talking about, your thinking of the blue TB that my mom drove while i worked at best buy, thats been gone for some time, she drives the mazda 6 pictured below

the nissan and the ford

the TB


so whos TB is it?


due to your experience with dual firewalls, i’ll allow you to do any wiring that is needed.