Was anyone else stuck in this today? (90W roch -> buff)

i was at a literal stand still for around 30 minutes, it was wacky. just standing in the middle of the 90W.

i was lucky and was a few miles past the batavia exit when stopped, crawled to about 1 mile past the pembrooke rest stop and was smooth sailing after. looked like 5-6 cars were involved in the accident, nothing looked very serious.


thats my civic on the shoulder, and in the distance you can see people like standing on the shoulder hacky-sacking lol. i wondered around for a bit. pretty wild. im curious as to how far back the standstill went, im thinking to roch is a good guess, maybe even further

It was like this last weekend too.

Suddenly glad my trip to Conesus lake didn’t work out today.

When was this? I drove Roch-Buffalo at 3-4pm and it was nice, other than a few douchebags of course.


I’m just wondering how far it was backed up


i was transporting a breadmaker.

haha I didn’t go to that call I was in mirrilla. I do however like riding past people on the shoulder when its all backed up on my dirt bike people get pissed. I should come out and sell beer next time

I would have loved a cold beer during the wait