Was John Lennon Full of $hit?

money is all you need. money CAN get you everything and anything you want. :tup: x’s 84734837438743.2322221


Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise for example…all the bitches Donny Trump gets, Cathrine Zeta-Jones and Mikey Boy Douglas or Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen

Do you think any of those girls would even give those guys the time of day if it weren’t for their money/fame/fortune?


Ill tell you right now…if you can tell me everyone here wouldn’t be happy as hell/happier with a billion dollars, you can leave.

Maybe its just because I’m materialistic.

But as far as love goes… i don’t think age, differences, locations etc etc matters. If two people are sooo into each other than stupid little things don’t matter. Its not a matter of finding a perfect person, its finding the perfect person FOR YOU.

Why did you find a 13 year old boy, who prefers girls, in North Carolina? :slight_smile:

I fell in love with King Crab, then that pulled a 180 on me :tdown: