Was John Lennon Full of $hit?

he may not be talking about someone. He is most likely talking about love in general. He was very supportive of the fact that we can all get along without any currency money, religion or countries. Unfortunatly theres no way everyone on this planet would play ball to that kuz thats the only way it would ever work. And in order for it to work all u would need is for everyone on the planet to love everything else on the planet…never gonna happen.

shut up, slut! :hay:

Everything else matters. If you don’t have the money to pay the heat bill or for food the stress of that situation will wear out and kill the love.

The same goes for other things

love is over rated… you need to find some who you can have a god fight with…


Your sig is gay as shit



love is mental just as much as cigarette addiction. I have proven both time and time again. most of the time “love” turns out to be a dude that makes decent enough money meets a hot girl, is a total Pussy for her because she is hot, spends his money on her, and they’re “happy” for a while. girl figures out this is getting old, leaves dude, dude is all upset only up until he meets next hot girl.

i dont know the grown up version of “love” yet cuz im only 20 but I have a very good idea of whats gonna happen. fortunatly im not a pussy for hot girls, i look for much more than that when selecting a girlfriend (but of course she does have to be hot.), so Im positive I will have little, if any, problems with a girl for the rest of my life

oh yea and to say theres only ONE person for you in this world, unless you’re a complete fucking idiot and cant put your own life aside for 10 seconds and look at the BIG PICTURE… thats a REDICULOUS thing to say. I’ve met probably 3 or 4 girls already in my time that I could have, realistically, spent my life with, but chose not to. its all about them choices.