washington dc

I agree to an extent but any “major” building has no vehicle access to vehicles not swept by a Bomb Ordinance Trained Dog. Also a lot of roads have been shut down round here. As for other building, dumbass people can do the same at any town. You can’t have security personnel at every building and house in the United States. As you brought up the word foolish, it would be foolish for the US to spend money on security of all houses and buildings across the nation because then idiots would be screaming about their tax dollars going to waste just like faggots say the military gets overpaid. Sheesh, the military gets their balls busted non-stop over getting “over-paid” when MOST military members would qualify for WELFARE!!!

Sorry but the national security stuff strike one of my nerves, nothing against you

I agree that the military should be paid better. However the TSA is the biggest joke on earth. Commerical aviation security HAS NOT improved since 9/11. They changed things to give an appearance of security, like moving snifffing machines to make them publicily viewable. If they make things look good, the general public buys it, and everyone thinks everything’s better.

Eh well, I am not feeling like staying up all night discussing it but there are flaws that need worked out but a lot of things are actually doing well now.

i threw a paper airplane at the white house once.