coming from a former Mudstain guy?
shit, this would wax the stang you used to have
but yeah +1 I would love a early 4th gen Camaro for a summer DD
coming from a former Mudstain guy?
shit, this would wax the stang you used to have
but yeah +1 I would love a early 4th gen Camaro for a summer DD
HAHAHAHAHA you serious? I would mop the floor with that thing with my old car… that you wanted to swap for your red formula :gotme: … water under the bridge though, i knew its limitations and sold it, bought an LS1 and now i have an 11 sec car with a cam and exhaust :). Im not going to defend an inferior machine like my old 2v mustang GT or an LT1 F body.
Making money > car
but maybe in spring I will pick something up and show you what kind of times a head/cam LS1 should put down…since you run the same times I did with my bolt on LS1 with your fully built one
LT1s are fucking junk…
End of story
I like the body style of newer stangs, I wanted to do a 03/04 cobra motor swap on it
I do like to go fast ya know
what did that Stang run? 13.3s iirc?
I bet this TA will do at least that
and lastly 404 11 second time slip not found with cam and exhaust
just bustin your balls man lol
yeha sorry buddy bud lt1s are comparable bone stock gsr.your faster than about 12% of nyspeed
bullshit dude, I ran like .2 tenths faster and trapped like 4mph higher than your best
not to mention my 60’ was .2 tenths higher than what yours were and you car weighed what like 300 pounds less than mine
oh and I make money too, believe me my car isnt my life, I am actually in the process of purchasing a house
I wasn’t insulting you saying you didn’t make money…
I was saying currently in my life job is priority not a car…
I ran 7.5 @ lancaster son…maybe you out trapped by a couple mph…but see thats drag racing don’t be a honda fagget and bitch about trap speed…
Look what times LT1 cars put up locally…crap…Joelster went high 11s with heads/cam/built auto/huge stall/slicks/skinnys…I was .1-.2 off his times with a bolt on car…there are a ton of other examples…its a shitty platform to build up when you can get into a LS1 car for slightly more…
Your LS1 tech tag is 11 sec club, have you been to NYI?
I can has ball buster too!!!
I know man, I didnt mean it that way
my car is maybe #5 on my list of priorities and I am turning 32 this year so
I still find time for it
when did you run 7.5s? Best I ever remember you posting up was like a 7.69
I’m not being a honda fggt and using trap speed as an excuse I am using 60’s as an excuse and I know that you know how much that means
I dont have to , 1/8th to 1/4 mile convertor-
I will make it up to NYI next year, I work afternoons thurs-mon and couldnt ever make it up, I burned all my time off with my dads illness, next year , sigh only many months away
I will find the slip :snky:
Hey hey hey dont bring honda gayness into this im trying to turn this shit around for the good. LOL
wow that thing is off… with a 7.9 1/8th i am running 12.0’s they have me at 12.4 :lol: my best 1/8th being 7.6 they have me at only an 11.9
they dont factor the lsx top end siqqness into the equation
false. if we would have completely stopped and then started to do a roll i would have won, i took off vs lee in 4th gear and he was in 3rd or 2nd idr
<3 kisses <3
Dude your on some serious shit… i can promise to you that the car you raced/ driver/ whatever he was towing was not a good specimen of what a stock LT1 car can do. All these N/A 4 bangers are balls slow, hate to be the one to break it to ya.
i know he was talking about me. i already explained what happened
Ive seen stock for stock GSR and LT1 go door to door before. Not saying from a dig but have seen it before.