Watch Crew: What to buy?

Why are you guys arguing about things that are entirely subjective?

a watch like these are not toys and they are not utilitarian… they are not even for telling time. They are a right of passage and a reflection of taste and personaility.

It is true, as someone mentioned, that more people will notice a nice suit. But you buy the watch because the RIGHT person will notice the watch. Who the RIGHT person is and what you buy are dependent on your environment.

I am sure in some social circles having the best heroin will make you king-shit.

It all depends on your enviroment. I get teased for my 240sx even though it will rape the shit out of anything anyone around me drives… but they dont value that… It’s all about granite kitchen counter-tops and trunk space.

watches are very very similar to cigars. How people can spend $500 on a single cigar that doesnt even taste that good is beyond most people. But if your boss is into cigars and you chill out with some fresh Cohiba’s that you’ve had in a hunidor for the past month… guess who’s down now?

speaking of which i did just buy a humidor and my boss IS into cigars.

edit… fuck the boss actually.

If you are looking to make that next big jump in your life and your at an function, gathering, street race whatever and you’re rolling with a Zenith, Cohiba, custom tailored suit with all the current lines and drove up in a stock looking 335i putting out 500whp chances are people you need to impress will take notice.

I look at people’s watches, clothes and cars and you can tell alot from it.