Watch Crew: What to buy?

100%, I already told the wife that.

My wife got me this for my birthday. She was at the jeweler’s getting her ring cleaned and saw it on sale for just under 1800.


Instagram ad, lol

yeah it’s a third party seller listing on the walmart e-store thats all.

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none of us will ever see this watch in person… but i had to post it.

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My new Ti Seaforth came in, waiting on a leather band for it.

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That is a sexy watch

I was big into watches until apple watch. I guess i could always go this route:

Got this automatic Formula 1 today for being awesome at work. Need to resize the band, but I like how it wears, it’ll make a great daily.


That’s awesome!! I’d like a seamaster or railmaster next

nice Tag.

any of you boys looking at buying any interesting pieces as prices seem to be cooling?

Omega’s seem to be coming down a fair bit back to Earth.

for US guys, is a canadian watch forum and some of the pricing is amazing for you. I see speedies for well under MSRP in CDN.

I’ve been thinking of picking up something more decent like a seamaster. There is a nice aqua Tera for $3400 on redit

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I’m still looking for a MSRP Rolex from my AD. He’s called twice for a Wimbledon and a Black face DJ, both of which I don’t like.

Used subs are dropping in price, I’ve seen a few nice ones in the $6500 range already.

ceramic bezel?

I haven’t seen them that low but older non date ones are definitely coming down in price.

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read the red text on the dial


just saw a current model SD43 Rolex on the Canadian watch forum listed below MSRP… turning point?