Water bill issue

Your ac uses water?

It’s water cooled. So water is used to cool/condense the freon.

Here is the village of Akron’s billing rates… just to show you how badly you’re being raped.

Inside Village Residential Rates
$20.00 minimum which includes (5) five thousand gallons or less of water. Each additional (1) one thousand gallons are billed at $3.75 per thousand gallons.
Residential Easement Rates
$40.00 minimum which includes (5) five thousand gallons or less of water. Each additional (1) one thousand gallons are billed at $5.625 per thousand gallons.
Outside Village Residential Rates
$47.00 minimum which includes (5) five thousand gallons or less of water. Each additional (1) one thousand gallons are billed at $9.40 per thousand gallons.
Inside Village School and Industrial Rates
$675.00 minimum which includes the first 100,000 gallons or less of water. Each additional (1) one thousand gallons are billed at $6.75 per thousand gallons.

If you were in the village, you would have consumed over 120,000 gallons of water… 3000 per day, and your average toilet uses about 1gpf… so thats 3000 flushes, which would be 2 per minute… thats not a leaky toilet, thats horseshit.

Maybe he took those 2000 flushes commercials too literally?

I have an issue just like this. I recieved my water bill 3 days ago. I just payed my last one 3ish weeks ago at $43. When I got my bill this week it’s $1253.


they told me the same shit, that it’s a leaky toilet. I would love for someone to show me where 818,000 gallons fo water went thru a “leaky” toilet and yet it doesn’t run EVER. I sat and watched it for 2-3 hours, and it never lost water or had to refill once. Yet they claim it’s all from a leaky toilet.

I demanded someone come look at the meter, so they are coming on Sept. 2. The cust. serv. rep was a total asshole too. I’m fairly certain I would notice 800k gallons of water, wether it was a leak in the house, or at the toilet. :run:

Did the OP ever get the issue figured out?

I don’t think you could use 800k with a wide open garden hose. lol
That is like 80 swimming pools.(or a small lake. lol)

holy shit, 800k+ gallons

lol @ water company

Is this county water?

818000 GALLONS!?!?!?

My 12x24 oval pool with a deep end is 7500 gallons.

You could have filled my pool 109 times. Yeah, pretty sure that’s a bit more than a leaking toilet.

yes, ECWA

That’s exactly what I told them. There’s NO possible way I legitimately used this much water. Even if I filled every pool in my neighborhood, I don’t think I could reach that mark.

I just find it hilarious that it’s somehow my non-leaking toilet :picard:

holy crap 800k gallons! That’s ridiculous. I’d go to the Buffalo News with that one. Seems like they’re having a lot of “glitches” in their system lately.

WGRZ loves pissing off the water authority, and pretty much any other non-voter elected local/county/state authority. Let them know what’s going on and see what happens.


I’m going to see what they say when they come out to look at the meter on wednesday, but if they tell me the meter is fine and I still owe, I may take it to the news/wgrz.

There’s no fucking way it can be correct.:ham:

Well I ended up paying the bill…and I thought I had crazy bill but $1200!!! I talked with my lawyer about the whole situation and he said he has dealt with them before but not with much success, but he has fought and won. I was going to go the whole news route but decided not to, if you do let me know what they end up saying.
Anyways, good luck.

If he ends up going the news route you should go right there with them, then these stories will start coming out all over.

My grandmother is a realtor and she just heard this happening to 2 more people in Lancaster. Water Company making some nice profits in '09…lol

If anyone ends up going the news route let me know and I’ll follow suit.

EASY716, any update?

818,000 gallons? AHAHAHOLYSHIT. In for updates.

well, I had a guy from the water company come out yesterday. He looked at everything, looked at my “leaky” toilet. There is a tiny drip that he spotted, which is fine. However he was there 30 mins and noted less than a liter of water used. He told me it’s physically and mathematically impossible that I could have used that much water. I figured when he said this they would be willing to help me out. I asked him what’s the best way to go about fighting it and he said “unfortunately, you don’t have a leg to stand on”. :ham:

I wanted to smack him one in the face. He sat there and told me it’s impossible I could have used this much water, and has the nerve to tell me there’s nothing I can do to fight it…and my option was to setup a payment plan :picard:

He said he would go back to the office and tell the guy what he told me, but that doesn’t mean anything on the bill will change. I’m going to call in today and see if by chance they will decide to work something out, but I’m not getting my hopes up. After that I will have to decide my next course of action.

edit: how many gallons do you guys use per quarter roughly?

ok, this is crazy. lets do some math.

say you turn a garden hose on and it runs at 5 gallons per minute (average approx-pretty decent flow)

thats 300 gallons in an hour and 7200 gallons in a day.

to use 818000 gallons at that flow it would take just over 113 days which is over 3 1/2 months.

did they combine everyone’s bill on the street and send it to you? jesus thats alot of water.