Water bill issue

Exactly, and there is no way you wouldn’t have heard a leak pushing that much water 24/7, especially at night in the burbs when you can hear a pin drop.

Time to get channel 2 involved, and bring up the fact that this is happening to a lot of people. I smell corruption, and someone’s probably skimming.

So your meter actually indicates that you used that much water?

We had a tenant leave the kitchen water running on full blast for 3 days when she left town, and our bill was about 5 bucks higher than usual, or about $45 for a two family home for a quarter.

if you lay down and pay this, i will find you and smack you in the face…

you better take this as far as it needs to go to get them to remove it…

my father works at the buffalo news if chanell 2 doesnt seem to want to do much, but they will

Make sure when you cantact chan 2 that you dont just send an email, you call and talk to somebody… and setup a time when you can bring in your water bill

im in to see a water authority smack down keep this updated lol!

A girl at work just paid a $600 water bill after I told her not to. She is on my shit list now.

I showed her how unrealistic it is and that I had heard of several other instances just like hers… but she can’t go without it.

This is fucked up.

you could always sue them… no judge would side with them…

I wonder what the maximim gal per min the meter can read… and how long at that maximum would it take to reach 800K gal?

Is it even possible for a residential meter to flow that much water in 30-40 days?

The lady I work with said the water company had been underestimating her water usage. They didn’t say for how long of a period though.

I just looked up a random residential water meter… the Neptune 1 1/2" has a max flow of 100 US gpm. That means it would take about 6 days to flow 800Kgal at its absolute maximum.

Okay look at it this way. If the Wellsville Fire Dep. Has a fully involved house fire and a class A pumper is the attack truck. That’s 1000gpm on a 2 ½ at 230psi. So it would take 818 mins or 13 ½ hours of straight stream. Now that’s one hell of a fire. No way a leaky anything would cause that.

anyone interested in contacting ch. 2 and whoever else, shoot me a PM.

if 800k was missing, the water company would come looking for a leak… this is a billing department disaster, not a leaky toilet.

why wouldnt you do it yourself? :purextc:

I’m planning on it, however, as mentioned previously in this thread by Tbird…others may be interested in doing the same. The more people with this issue, the more it seems ECWA is in the wrong and it’s not a one time screw up that they refuse to acknowledge.


Anyone with half a brain knows that you didn’t use 800,000 gallons of water in one month. There are three ways that this bill happened:

  1. They underestimated the shit out of your usage for a long time and then had a massive correction when you stopped service. This would mean that they are right and you owe them.
  2. The meter is faulty.
  3. They fucked up the paperwork.

A quick glance at your meter and a couple of old bills will tell you whether or not it’s 1 or 3. I hope by now you have verified this.

It does.

Oof. That makes it hard.

That’s the big issue.

I’m not one to try and duck out of my obligations. If I legitimately used that water, then I have no issue paying for it.

How long since your last non-estimated bill? If you don’t know the water company will have that information. If they’ve been estimating for over a year it’s easier to believe it was a leak.