Water injection is on..........

So now i gotta learn how to tune it,anybody know how? I have had problams with the hose shooting off at WOT and think i have fixed it but now i gotta scan for KR,anybody? It looks like a fucking rats nest too! I need plenty of black zip ties and alot of black wire loom with a lil bit o’luck too! I also need to put some teflon tape on the fittings,i should of took my time the sirst time but i didn,t!

add kolaid?

I scanned it today and see that i getting 7 degrees of knock only when i am going from 3rd to 1st downshift then it works back down to 0,but from a dig to 100 mph it shows no knock what so ever. Could this be false knock from worn out tranny and lower mounts or real knock?

post pics of it, i have no idea how it works and what it does :slight_smile:

3rd to 1st kr is prolly just a shift knock… no knock is always good at higher speeds WOT, 02’s wanna be around high 700’s. if you have any concerns about a knock problem, just dump in some race gas and see if goes away.

i htought maybe it could be false knock from something like my d/p hitting the sway bar or along those lines,but from a dig i have no knock what so ever.

you can knock from too much fuel also…it might be knocking cuz of a slight fuel dump in the gear changeover…nothing to worry about

nothing to wory baout? how about a fried piston? 7 degrees is alot but it goes away.

degrees or counts? if it’s 7 counts of knock that’s different than 7 degrees of timing retard…and if it is counts of knock due to too much fuel then it isn’t anything to worry about…if it’s 7 degrees of timing retard during the gear changeover then you got something goofy goin on.

it,s 7 degrees of knock,i don,t know what the problam is,knock is not good for our cars so i hope atleast a lil bit of it is false.

i dont’ know what 7 degrees is, knock has only been refered to as counts/compression stroke so i dont’ know what that is. most F/I cars make their most power at 5 counts which is usually under when the ecu will pull timing (depending on application most is >5 counts) knock is knock no matter what motor

i run staggered knock all the time… up to 20volts which is a solid 10 degrees… motor isn’t fried.

i think you’re referring to the amount of timing pull you’re getting from knock?

i havent checked my timing tey to see if it real or false knock,i don,t know how. mine is not stagered\ just when the downshift from 3rd to 1st occurs. The rest fo the time i have 0. Now something could be cause ing ti to read semi false…i;e d/p hitting or somethign blown like a lower mount.

turbo smart

e-boost 2 controller will allow to control

thats what im gonna run!

i,ll take yours for a cookie :boink where,s my plan fucker!