
Yeah, I said it :wow

Srsly though 9PM-12AM of Saturday night was just as epic as H20I

A video I found :rofl

Looks like a bunch of retarded 17yr olds. I would have tazed them all :lmao


LOL old bags in the buick…wait am i at work?

crazy as fuck !

Fuckin Canadians!

I can hear pete and kramer in this vid


^:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl at :14-:10 from the end that’s me in the blue shirt

the cops were hopelesss

lmao should post up my pics off fb of the crowd surrounding the cop car

haha do it, here’s the thread on vwv

some sketchy motherfuckers were taking pics of my dumper so i wanna see how they turned out

edit: sounds like me last year hahahahahhahahaha

Can’t find the ramada inn next to the chilis…if someone can give me an address that would be greatly appreciated

Waterfest is shit compared to H20i son. Buncha dirt bags at waterfest

dirrty jerzzzz


Like I said

Waterfest was 3 hours of epicness, H20 is 3 days :lol

i saw boobs within the first 5 min of h20i i don’t even see a girl in that video

In for H20i this time around. All you fuckers can hate all you want and say i won’t go, but Im 100% down this year!

Yea, it’s funny till that county doesn’t allow Waterfest anymore due to dumbass shenanigans.

Yea its all morons down there

You won’t go

Car will be sold by then

waterfest is terrible. H20i had its retard a couple years ago with the Audi S3. but waterfest is retards all the time. cars stolen, peoples cars robbed in hotel lots. amazing. the best part of waterfest is leaving waterfest.