
what brand and kinda wax does everyone use…i been looking at the zaino products has anyone tried it…

so let me hear some feed back on what you guys use and prefer

I use zaino and love it. It may cost a little more but it is worth it. I have used the zfx cure, z2 polish, z5 swirl remover, and z6 gloss enhancer. I’ve used other waxes like mothers, meguiars and what not but zaino just makes it look better. Also compared to the others, it’s easier to put on and remove.

i used it all last summer very good stuff. takes kinda long to use the first time cause u need to get all the old wax off with dishsoap then clay bar. but very worth it. heres what it did on my ride http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/515542

thanks for the pics,

looks like i might order the starter set

i need some good wax after i get my car painted in june

if you wax your car and the paint looks better/shiny then you have imperfections in the paint that need taken care of, a good wax job has a slight dullness to it but makes the paint look deep and rich.

meguiars all the way, best, easiest and nicest stuff i’ve ever used.

Meguiars Gold Class wax, 7.99 or 9.99 w/ applicator included at Auto Zone

i know i sound like an advertiser for auto zone tonight, but i have to stare at this shit all day

I use Zaino also and am very pleased with it.

no need for wax, primer owns me :slight_smile:

Mothers all the way :slight_smile:

zaino is good stuff… $$$ though, meguires is also decent … i like both. that 3m crap will get anything off, including epoxy clear :(, but does the trick.

good old turtle wax works as well…

meguirs gold series my paint doesnt reflect enough to need super good wax

that’s cuz u had it detailed, your paint won’t “shine” with wax on it :wink:


actually, i’ve never waxed the Prizm (can you blame me?)… but i used to wax my black Saturn with the Turtle Wax for black cars.

never used zano
i like mcguires, anything by dura gloss is excellent.i currently am using auri.
since black is my curse i can only say what works for dark paints.you may have to clay it first. maybe wet sand or wool buff, then foam buff all with 3m before any wax or polish is applied.

i want to find a product that will make my car look like this



great line of products… a bit $$ too

any car clean product will do,thats what i have been using for 6 years now,if ya don,t have a car clean rep near by thgen i guess i would have to say zainor next

I love that catalog. I’d like to have about $10K to spend there - my garage would be awesome.

a repaint will do that

the only way your car will look like that is if you leave it in a garage and never let the sun hit it or any other outside elements and then wax it. black reflection owns !!! I cant wait to see genocides GN after greg gets done with it